我用了兩三日讀完這本書,今天跟大家分享一下讀後感。 如果你對成功呢一個詞有興趣而你又不喜歡閱讀太沉重的書籍,你應該會對這一本有興趣。
I finished this book in 2-3 days, so I want to share my thoughts with you. If you are interested in the word “success” but you don’t want any heavy read, this could be for you.
Book Review: Attitude by Adam Jones and Adam Ashton

Attitude這本書是兩位作者合著,他們本身做Podcast,每星期他們會讀一本書,之後會跟聽眾分享他們的得着。 就是因為他們讀很多書,所以發現成功人士都有幾方面的共通點,因而這本書就誕生了。 這本書從Attitude方面去探討成功人士如何處理五個層面 – Vision,Change,Learning,Fear,Boldness。
“Attitude” is co-written by two authors. They have been doing Podcast, where they share their findings every week after reading a book. Since they read quite a few books, they notice “the attitude of successful people”, hence this book, which focuses on the mindset of successful people in these 5 areas – Vision, Change, Learning, Fear and Boldness, is born.
作者文筆輕鬆,所以閱讀當中都不會覺得心情沉重。他們引用了很多其他書或者名人故事,如果你之前沒有接觸太多這類型的書本或者故事,你應該覺得蠻有趣。 但是我個人已經讀了頗多相關的書籍,所以有一大部份我可以飛過。我覺得這本書比較初階,如果你跟我一樣已經讀了很多其他名人故事的話,你應該會覺得有點點沉悶。
The writing style is light-hearted so it’s quite fun to read. It quotes quite a few other books and famous people’s stories; so if you haven’t read a lot of related material, you would find it entertaining. However, I personally have read quite a lot of similar stuff, I found myself skip through quite a bit of the book. I think this book is more of an entry level, so if you are quite familiar with other success stories, you might find it a bit boring.
我覺得我這本書的得着是,他們重申設下目標的重要性,很喜歡書中的這句話:「People don’t fail because they set small goals. They fail in life because they don’t aim at all.」 簡直是擊中要害,對吧?沒有明確目標就像沒有明確地址一樣,連自己要做什麼或者要去哪裏都不知道。 寫下目標不保證一定做得到,但絕對可以保持應有的方向感。
I think my takeaway from the book is the importance of setting goals. I really love this line, “People don’t fail because they set small goals. They fail in life because they don’t aim at all.” It’s impactful, isn’t it? Having a goal is like having an accurate address, if you don’t have one, you don’t know what you have to do or where you are going. Setting goals doesn’t mean they are guaranteed to be achieved, but at least, you have that sense of direction.