Hakme Beauty was launched 8 years ago and now we are onto our 9 years. All these years, I had been trying different eye serums but couldn’t find one that I was happy with. Last year, I finally launched our first eye serum (in 8 years) into Hakme Beauty, let’s see why I am so happy with Aquafolia Eye Serum.
Aquafolia全效眼部精華 HK$1,080/15ml
Eye Serum LINK

✅Replenishes good bacteria to enhance skin’s defence system
✅Minimises fine lines
✅Lifts and Tightens
✅Counteracts the harmful effects from UV Rays

質感係黃黃地色嘅精華狀,用好少份量已經推得好開,好易吸收,早晚用完佢之後on top再用其他眼部啫喱或者眼霜都完全冇負擔。
The texture is a yellow serum texture. A little goes a long way and it’s easy to absorb without feeling heavy. It’s meant to be used underneath your eye gel or eye cream, morning and night.
Aquafolia全效眼部精華屬於高機能產品,所以功效好全面,眼部嘅需要佢都照顧得到。 我用咗佢兩個星期已經明顯見到眼部位置明亮返,冇咁暗沈,化妝都唔需要落勁多遮瑕膏。 另外佢保濕效果都好強,都係用咗兩個星期見到眼部位置唔再起格仔紋,眼部皮膚變得比較細緻,乾紋減淡咗好多,化妝都唔會卡粉。 我眼嘅位置都好容易出敏感粒粒或者油脂粒,用咗佢咁耐一啲事都冇,反而我覺得因為佢會加返好嘅益生菌比皮膚,令到我眼部皮膚狀況好穩定,冇敏感嘅問題出現。
Aquafolia Eye Serum is multi-functional so it covers everything we need for the delicate eye areas. I used it for two weeks and I could see my eye areas brightened up a lot, I don’t need much concealer when I do my makeup. Also, its hydrating power is great, eye areas become smooth and fine lines are gone just with 2 weeks’ usage. I was happy that the powder didn’t look cake-y anymore. My eye areas are more prone to bumps but I have been using this serum for a long time and the areas is very stable, I think this is due to the fact that it replenishes back the good bacteria into skin, which in turn enhance skin’s defence system and hence the stability.
至於緊緻方面,我覺得Aquafolia全效眼部精華拉緊個感覺冇我哋另外一隻熱賣嘅Esterel眼部啫喱咁強烈,但係初初用嘅時候都會感覺到有少少拉緊提升。 當然啦一直用落去嘅時候呢個感覺會越來越少,因為眼部位置已經被拉緊提升左,所以一直用落去嘅時候感覺冇初初用咁強烈。 So far,呢個眼部精華我自己非常鍾意,用好少份量,所以一枝都用到好幾個月之餘,仲要喺比較短嘅時間內已經見到效果。
For lifting and tightening, I think the lifting feeling is not as strong as our other eye gel – Esterel Soft Care Eye Gel. During first few days, I did feel the lifting sensation. However, when you use this for a long time, that sensation won’t happen everyday because when the skin is lifted enough, there wouldn’t be much lifting effect to be felt. So far, I am very happy with this Aquafolia Eye Serum, a tiny bit is enough for both eyes so a bottle does last for a good few months and most importantly, I can see results within a relatively short space of time.
眼部位置最容易出賣年紀,亦都係最需要保養嘅一個位置。 佢成份安全,孕媽媽或者眼部比較敏感嘅baby都啱用。 大家都快啲去Hakme Beauty (店舖地址) 試吓呢枝眼部精華。 我哋有啲客人未用完一枝已經要急住返嚟回購,你就知佢哋有幾愛個效果。
When we take good care of our eye areas, we tend to stay younger on the outlook. Its ingredient is safe for pregnant ladies or people who have more sensitive eye areas. Go and check this out at Hakme Beauty (addresses here). Some of our customers have already repurchased even before they finish with the first bottle, so you can imagine how much they love the results too.