Aquafolia Peel Set

呢個加拿大品牌Aquafolia都黎咗黑咪店好一陣子。 之前係某d影片都做咗介紹,但係我都補翻篇文章,方便大家要搵起上黎方便d! 呢個係佢地既皇牌組合,如果你未試過既話就要留意。

(English:  This Canadian brand has landed in Hakme Beauty for awhile.  I did talk about its products in some of the videos, but I think it would be good for me to write a blog post, because it’s easier when you want to revisit the details.  This is their star of the star product, if you haven’t tried, let’s see if I can get you interested!)

Aquafolia Peel Set [Enzymatic Step 1 + Step 2] HK$880 (link)
Available at Hakme Beauty (Store Address)

Aquafolia Peel Set

Aquafolia Peel Set

Aquafolia Peel Set

Aquafolia Peel Set

Aquafolia Peel Set

Aquafolia Peel Set

1。先搽Step 1(泵一下)係乾淨既皮膚上面,推開。
2。立即搽Step 2(泵兩下)係Step 1之上,推開。
3。見到有少少泡泡,正常。 等4至5分鐘。
4。過水。 搞掂。

(English:  How to Use:
1. Apply Step 1 (one pump) on cleansed skin.  Spread evenly.
2. Apply Step 2 (two pumps) right on top of Step 1, spread evenly.
3. See some tiny bubbles?  It’s normal, wait for 4-5 minutes.
4. Rinse and voila – done!)

Aquafolia Peel Set

呢個去死皮組合係無粒粒,所以唔需要按唔需要磨,好溫和。 時間上都好快搞掂,4至5分鐘,啱晒無太多時間護膚既人。 你跟以上個步驟過完水之後會見到皮膚好滑(去走死皮),明亮! 佢最正亦最重要係有疏通毛孔既功效,即係有好多時,你摸落皮膚好多一粒二粒,細細粒,又無頭支唔出,又唔知乜黎,好多時候都會係腮位發現,用過好多野都搞唔掂。 嗰啲可能係你毛孔堵塞,要通通佢。 我哋有好多客人用完都同我哋講話千年暗粒都清得走呀!所以如果你有同樣問題既話都絕對可以試下! 佢仲保濕添,所以你敷完唔會覺得乾爭爭㗎! 仲有,如果你長期某d位置都生痘痘,你都可以用,佢有降紅亦幫你通通個毛孔,所以痘痘可以快d KO之餘仲可以無咁紅! 真係好正好有效既一個產品。 一星期全面用一至兩次,如果有痘痘或者有暗粒既位置,可以針對呢d部位做多一兩次! 敷完線手㗎,所以我好推介!

(English:  This peel set doesn’t contact any particles, so you don’t need to massage nor scrub your skin, it’s very gentle.  It’s a quick mask as well, it only takes 4-5 minutes, so it’s perfect for busy bees who don’t have a lot of time to pamper yourself.  Follow the above steps and when you finish, you will find that skin is super smooth to touch (dead skin is gone), brightened up!  The most important and amazing function of this peel set is its ability to unclog pores.  Do you ever have those weird bumps on your skin, they are tiny, you can’t squeeze them, you are not sure what they are but some how they bug you, many times you find them on your jawlines and you can’t somehow make them go away.  Well, this might be due to your pores being clogged and it’s time to unclog them. We have received many customers’ feedback that this peel set help them to clear many of those weird bumps.  So if you have similar issue, I would recommend you to give this a go!  Also it hydrates skin, so you don’t need to worry whether this would be drying to your skin.  Furthermore, if you have some pimples kinda on the same area all the time, you can use this too.  It has reduce redness effect and it helps to unclog your pores, so you pimples will leave you faster and that area will look calmer!  Such a fantastic set of products!  Use once or twice on your whole face, and for those “difficult areas” (pimples, bumps etc.), target them once or twice more!  You will love how smooth your skin is after!  I highly recommend this!!)

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