Aquafolia Intensive Regulating Complex

呢枝Aquafolia Intensive Regulating Complex 產品係Mr Honey同管家大愛,而我見佢兩個用左呢枝產品之後皮膚都係好咗,所以今日我又同大家用文字去分享一下。

(English:  This Aquafolia Intensive Regulating Complex has been a favourite of Mr Honey and Butler, I have seen both of their skin improved after using this product for awhile, so today I want to share their journey with you.)

Aquafolia Intensive Regulating Complex HK$1,100/60ml (link)
Available at Hakme Beauty (Store Address)

Aquafolia Intensive Regulating Complex


Aquafolia Intensive Regulating Complex

Aquafolia Intensive Regulating Complex

Aquafolia Intensive Regulating Complex

呢枝根本就係會出油(無論多油定少油)既朋友既大愛! 佢係gel狀,所以質感好討好,亦都非常易吸收,所以搽完有清爽感覺。 佢無油份所以唔擔心佢會厚身唔吸收等等! 佢入面有白茶,綠茶同埋紅茶成份,做到抗氧化同埋抗炎功效!即係話如果你有痘痘既話佢可以幫手KO! Olive Leaf Extract就幫助殺菌,用黎對付黑頭粉刺。 另外佢仲可以通毛孔,等毛孔唔好阻塞。 佢亦幫手水油平衡,而家呢d天氣好啱! 當然佢入面仲有玻尿酸可以幫你保濕!! 最正既係佢可以兩用,因為佢入面有大細份子,所以你可以當佢係一枝精華,或者係精華加面霜,睇你皮膚需要。 如果你搽咗覺得夠,咁你可以一枝過,唔洗用其他野。 如果你覺得搽完有少少乾,你可以搽完呢枝之後加個面霜係你覺得較乾既位置! 係咪好鬼方便!! Mr Honey同管家用完一期,我見佢地兩個都少咗出痘痘,皮膚無咁多油同埋皮膚質感細緻,黑頭個D都無以前咁多! 所以呢一枝我超級推介俾會出油既朋友!

(English:  This Regulating Complex has to be oily skin type’s best friend (no matter you have a lot of oil or a bit of oil)!  It’s of a gel texture so it’s very friend, it’s super easy to absorb and skin still feel light afterwards.  It doesn’t contain oil, so you don’t need to worry whether it’s too thick or greasy!  It contains green, white and red teas (polyphenols) inside and it’s great for anti-oxidisation and anti-inflammation!  That means, if you have occasional pimples, it can be you to make them disappear faster!  The Olive Leaf Extract inside helps to kill bacteria, and it means it would help with reducing blackheads and whiteheads.  Also, it can help unclog pores, rebalancing moisture and oil content in skin, so it’s perfect for this weather.  Of course it contains hyaluronic acid inside to keep your skin hydrated.  The best part is that it can be used two ways: either as a serum or as a serum + moisturiser because it contains both big and small molecules.  It really depends on what your skin needs, say you use this on your whole face and you feel that your skin is hydrated enough, you can just leave it at that and there is no need for you to add a moisturiser.  However, if you feel that after application, there is still dry areas, you can top up with a cream on those areas, very convenient, isn’t it?  Mr Honey and Butler had been using this constantly for a good while and I can see both of them have less pimples, less oil, their skin texture is more refined and the blackheads are way less than before!  So I would highly recommend this one to anyone with oily or combination skin!)

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