Aquafolia Aquaunde Brightening and Moisturising Mask 懶人全效面膜

成日都聽到大家話要快靚正,最好又咩效果都做到! 哈哈~~ 今日同大家講呢個Aquafolia懶人全效面膜應該啱好多人心水!! 好忙好懶無咩時間搞護膚既都好啱!

(English:  For skincare, everyone wishes the product to deliver excellent results without time consuming, what would be best is that if the product can perform a few functions in one go!  *Laughs*~~ Today I am going to talk about this Aquafolia Aquaunde Brightening and Moisturising Mask which is perfect for busy bees, lazy people, or simply people who don’t have the patience to fuss around a complicated skincare regime!)

Aquafolia Aquaunde Brightening and Moisturising Mask HK$1,100/75ml (link)
Available at Hakme Beauty (Store Address)

Aquafolia Aquaunde Brightening and Moisturising Mask

Aquafolia Aquaunde Brightening and Moisturising Mask


Aquafolia Aquaunde Brightening and Moisturising Mask

Aquafolia Aquaunde Brightening and Moisturising Mask

Aquafolia Aquaunde Brightening and Moisturising Mask

點解我話呢個面膜快靚正呢? 原因係佢實現5個願望:保濕,均勻明亮膚色,拉緊提昇,淡斑同埋舒緩。 應該女人要改善既問題大部分都包括在內! 佢質地係輕身cream狀,敷15分鐘過水搞掂!!過完水唔笠架,無一般抗老產品個d肥笠笠!!敷完即時皮膚摸落滑到不得了,見到輪廓出返哂黎同埋皮膚有光澤感!! 用耐d見到淺層既斑會淡化!正!! 一星期用一兩次就可以喇!! 係咪好方便先,一jar做到咁多效果同埋都只係敷15分鐘!! 講真,價錢唔係親民,但係除開5個效果,一個效果都係二百令蚊,又唔洗敷咁多個面膜慳翻時間!有興趣就自己過去舖頭玩啦!!

(English:  Why did I say this mask is perfect for people who don’t have time or patience?  The reason is that it grants you the 5 wishes: hydrating, brightening, firming, fading dark spots and soothing.  So I guess the majority of female concern is included!  The cream is light weight.  Apply on skin and wait for 15 minutes!  Then rinse off and you are done!  After rinsing off, skin won’t feel any greasiness (different than other anti-aging products in the market)!  Skin becomes so soft and smooth to touch.  Also, skin is firmed up and has that nice healthy glow!  After using it for awhile, the light dark spots look faded as well!  Nice!!  I would recommend to use this once or twice a week.  Very convenient, right?  5 functions in one jar and you only need 15 mins!  Honestly the price is not friendly, but if you divide it by 5 functions, each function costs around HK$200 and you don’t need to fuss with so many different bottles of facial masks, it’s a time saver!!  If you are interested, go and have a play in the stores!!)

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