無論你係成日受到暗瘡困擾,定還是係久唔久有一兩粒,今日我要介紹呢一枝加拿大天然暗瘡啫喱 Aquafolia Anti-Imperfection Gel都啱你睇。 我屋企都長備一枝以備不時之需,一齊望吓點解。
Whether you are bothered by acne constantly or you are just having occasional pimples, this blog post about Aquafolia Anti-Imperfection gel is for you. I always have this in my drawer on stand-by, let’s take a deeper look.
Aquafolia天然暗瘡啫喱 HK$650/30ml
Anti-Imperfection Gel LINK

✅Anti-inflammation and K.O. pimples
✅Fades pigmentation
⚠️Contains 2% salicylic acid, not recommended for pregnant ladies
用法非常簡單,洗完面第一步用佢喺有需要位置。 記得唔需要全面使用,只需要將佢搽喺有暗瘡或者痘印嘅位置,之後就可以搽其他保養品。 早晚都可以用,用到暗瘡或者痘印消失,就可以停咗佢。
Usage is very simple. Right after washing your face, apply this on the needed areas. Remember you don’t need to apply this to your whole face, just apply it on your pimples or the pigmented areas, then continue with your skincare routine. This can be used morning and night. Use this until the pimples or the pigmentation is gone, then you can stop it and put it on stand-by.

Aquafolia天然暗瘡啫喱唔止可以對付暗瘡,連暗瘡印都可以K.O.埋。 佢係啫喱狀易吸收,唔會增加暗瘡位置嘅負擔,亦唔會整到周遭嘅皮膚非常之乾。 我同Mr Honey每一次出暗瘡,無論係有頭冇頭大大小小嘅暗瘡或者係壓力瘡,搽咗佢兩三日都會平滑翻。 效果快同埋明顯! 呢個係點解我哋咁鍾意佢嘅原因。 我哋搽到連印都冇埋就會停咗佢備用,所以一枝可以用好長時間。
Aquafolia Anti-Imperfecton gel doesn’t only deal with pimples, it also helps fade the after math. It’s in a delightful gel consistency, so it’s easy to absorb and it doesn’t create further burden on the affected areas. Also, the best thing is that it doesn’t dry out the areas as well! Whenever Mr Honey or I have pimples, no matter big or small, we would reach for this and it would help “flatten” the areas in just 2-3 days. The result is quick and obvious, hence why, we all love it so much. We use it until the pigmentation is gone and then we put it on stand-by, that’s why one bottle lasts for a good while.
Before & After

The above photos are the before and after of using anti-imperfection gel for just two days, you can see the area is returning to normal.
Many of our customers also buy this for their teenage sons and daughters because the ingredients are clean and it won’t create further burden to their delicate skin. I also notice they have been purchasing this item again and again, so it’s fair to say that many of us are a fan! The only thing you need to pay attention is that it does contain 2% salicylic acid, so we wouldn’t recommend for pregnant ladies.
我覺得呢一枝產品係可以長備喺屋企,無論你係狂出暗瘡嘅皮膚或者久唔久有一兩粒,佢都comes in handy。 而且佢仲可以K.O.埋痘印,唔使分兩枝產品,超級方便。 大家睇完呢個分享有興趣,可以過嚟Hakme Beauty舖頭 (地址按此)試質地又或者網購(網購按此)都得。
I think this is a great item to have at home, no matter if you are prone to acne or you are occasionally attacked by pimples, it’s a handy product to have. Plus, it helps fade the pigmentation so it means killing two birds with one stone, it’s very convenient. If you are interested, come to Hakme Beauty (address here) to have a try or you can shop online here.