[護膚] Apple Box #3 – Dermalogica, Clinique, Cyber Colors and More

前幾日講咗個韓版Beauty Box,價錢有d貴,係咪? 咁不如我今日講下一個唔洗錢既Beauty Box啦! 唔經唔覺,距離我上一次講Apple Box都有一段時間,我當中miss咗第二個,所以我直接講下第三個box啦!! 

(English:  I have talked about the Korean version of Beauty Box a couple days ago, it’s a bit over-priced, isn’t it?  How about I tell you now you can get a Beauty Box for free?  It’s been awhile since I last received an Apple Box.  I missed the second version and now let me go straight to the 3rd version!!)

Apple Box #3

個盒好靚呀!! 不過可惜我miss咗第二個啦,如果唔係我好有機會儲齊四個呀!! 哈哈!! 講真我覺得佢個盒真係又靚又實用!!

(English:  The box design is really cute!!  So sad that I have missed the second one, otherwise I would have got all 4 (possibly)!! *Laughs*  Honestly, I love the box design, it looks good and it’s practical!!)


(English:  Apart from the fabulous outside, what’s inside?)


Dermalogica UltraCalming Cleanser x 1 (7ml)

Dermalogica UltraCalming Relief Masque x 1 (sample size)

Dermalogica UltraCalming Mist x 1 (4ml)

Dermalogica UltraCalming Serum Concentrate x 1 (4ml)

La Elubiten Face Washing Powder x 2 (sample size)

Scinic Aqua Ex Jelly Cream x 2 (sample size)

O’slee Honey Sugar Mask x 1 (10ml)

Clinique Even Better City Block Anti-Pollution SPF40/ PA+++ x 1 (7ml)

Cyber Colors Eco Nail Polish Color x 1 (full size)

見到有Dermalogica真係超驚喜!! 我好想試佢呢個UltraCalming line好耐啦,不過成日話試話試,但係買黎買去都未買到佢。 而駕正喇,起碼可以試咗先再睇下值唔值得買!!

(English:  I am really surprised to see Dermalogica products!!!  I have been wanting to try its UltraCalming line for a really good while but somehow it hasn’t reached the top of my priority list yet, so I haven’t got a chance to try them.  But now I could test them out a bit before deciding if they are worth my money!!)

上面呢兩個唔知係咪新品牌,我呢期都無咩留意!! 等我做下research再同大家分享一下!

(English:  Not sure if the above are new products as I haven’t really paid a great deal of attention these days.  I will do some research and let you know!!)

呢個係新新地既產品。 我覺得佢個concept好似fresh個黃糖,個texture望落就幼過fresh,不過用落就唔知!! 等我試咗再分享一下啦!!

(English:  This is quite a newbie.  It reminds me of fresh’s Brown Sugar Mask, the texture looks finer than fresh’s, but I haven’t tried it yet, so I am not sure if it works the same.  Will share my comments later!!)

呢個我個friend成日話好用,但係我就未用過!! 見到個陣諗,正呀,又可以試下個質感!!

(English:  My friend bragged about how good this product is, however, I haven’t got around to try it before.  So when I saw this product, I was like, “good, now I could give it a try!!”)

除咗Dermalogica之外,我最鍾意就係呢個產品!! 太掂喇!!! 係我最愛既shocking pink色!!!

(English:  Apart from Dermalogica, I really love this product!!!  Brilliant!!!  It’s my favourite color – shocking pink!!!)

係咪唔洗錢得黎好正先? 我覺得免費黎講,呢個box真係無得頂丫!! 有幾樣新品牌,但係亦都有大牌既皇牌產品!!! 超讚(唔洗錢喎)!!!   我呢第三個box已經絕版喇,但係你仲可以拿拿聲去申請佢地第四個box呀!!   唔好等喇,佢第四個box July 7th就截止申請喇!!  有興趣就快d click下面條link去申請啦!!!

(English:  It’s free, so all the more better eh?  I really think the box content is brilliant (and it’s free).  It has a few of newbie products and also some star products from big brands!!  Thumbs-up (yea it’s FREE)!!!  Sadly, you cannot get this box anymore because it’s limited edition *laughs*, but you can definitely hop over to gooodapple and apply for the 4th one!!  Don’t wait because the deadline for applying the 4th one is on July 7th.  If you are interested, click the link down below and apply one for yourself!!)




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