[護膚化妝] Apple Box #1 – Garnier, Maybelline, L’Oreal新品分享

之前同大家分享過gooodapple成立咗啦,而我都拎到佢第一個限量既Apple Box。  入面有d產品我以前都用過, 而有d就係新出既產品, 所以我都想同大家分享下我既用後感! 嗱, 因為有d產品只係得好細既sample size,所以我唔可以話用咗有幾好幾好(唔係神仙藥), 我只係可以同大家分享下初步用後感, 如果你地對個別產品有興趣, 起碼都有個初步用後感作為基礎丫!好啦, 唔講咁多! 開始喇!!

(English: I have talked about gooodapple before, and I have got their first limited edition Apple Box.  There are some products which I have used before and there are some new products, so I want to share my initial comments with you.  Right, since some of the products are of sample size and I cannot really tell the full effect (nothing is that magical), I can only share my initial reaction with you all.  So if you are interested in a particular item, at least you have a reference point to start with!  Let me shut up and get on with the goodies!!)

The Apple Box #1


個盒真係好靚! 我而家用佢黎裝我某d好大粒既胭脂!! 又靚又實用!

(English:  I really love the box!!  Now it’s storing my gigantic sized blushes!!  It doesn’t only look good, it’s very practical as well!)

入面有張card寫住個box包咗d咩! 不過如果有埋價錢仲好!

(English:  There is a card inside mentioning the items.  If it includes the prices, that would be wonderful!)


Garnier Aqua Defense Hydrating Glowing Essence 2nd Skin Mask x 2pcs

Garnier Aqua Defense Fresh Hydration Light Weight Lotion SPF17 x 2 (1.5ml@)

Maybelline Baby Lips (Cherry Velvet) x 1 (full size)

Maybelline COLORsensational The Shine Lipstick (Color: 740 Sunset Diamonds) x 1 (full size)

L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Laser x 3 New Skin Anti-aging Cream x 1 (5ml)

L’Oreal Paris Lucent Magique BB Cream x 1 (5ml) 

L’Oreal Paris La Color Infaillible (Color: 015 Flashback Silver) x 1 (full size)

好喇, 睇完有d咩, 而家逐樣講下先:

(English:  Now let’s take a look at each item:)

Garnier Aqua Defense Hydrating Glowing Essence 2nd Skin Mask

Before the Mask:

In the Process of Using The Mask:

After Using the Mask:

用後感:呢個mask主打係保濕同抗氧化, 我覺得佢兩樣都做到! 個mask幾貼面, 敷個陣覺得好舒服同埋好水。 我覺得好啱而家潮濕天氣用, 因為我覺得佢個質感唔會好潤, 唔會帶俾皮膚負擔, 好多膚質都應該啱用! 膚完感覺皮膚好夠水好有彈力, 同埋比較明亮! 我覺得以佢開架既價錢都好抵用! 保濕效果正呀! 掂呀!

(English:  Product Review: This mask is focused on hydration and anti-oxidization.  I feel that it can do both!  The mask fits the face quite well and when it’s sitting on my face, I feel very refreshed, relaxed and very hydrated.  It’s perfect for this humid weather because it’s not heavy and it doesn’t create burden for skin.  It should be suitable for a lot of skin types.  After application, skin is more alive and bright!  It’s not expensive too, so it’s really good that it’s effective!  I love how hydrated my skin looks after!!  NICE!!)

Garnier Aqua Defense Fresh Hydration Light Weight Lotion SPF17


Before Blending:

After Blending:

用後感: 呢隻係日用lotion, 有17度防曬, 我覺得如果你就咁搽佢出街,你一定要記得補搽, 因為真係未必夠用。 佢個質感真係唔錯, 搽完上面好快吸收哂同埋好清爽, 無咩痴笠笠既感覺, 值得一讚! 我係屋企唔洗化妝個陣用佢多(係呀,係屋企都要用防曬丫), 我又覺得佢幾好用, 輕盈得黎又可以保濕又有防曬。 唔錯!! 如果你想揾隻平平地既防曬係一般情況用, 我推呢隻呀! 

(English:  Product Review: This is a day lotion and it contains SPF17.  Honestly if you just apply this and go out, remember to re-apply constantly because SPF17 is rather low.  The texture is great though, it gets absorbed really easily and skin feels fresh afterwards.  I really like its texture!!  I mostly use this during a rest day at home (yea have to apply sunscreen when you are at home too).  I quite like it, it feels light, hydrates skin and contains SPF.  Not bad eh?  If you want to look for a reasonably-priced sunscreen, I would recommend this!)


Maybelline Baby Lips (Cherry Velvet)

我之前用左佢好耐同埋用過唔同既版本喇, 所以我係呢度唔詳細講, 如果你有興趣知多d, 你可以click入我下面既分享到睇下啦:
(English: I am not going to talk about this again since I have written up two pieces about their Baby Lips before.  If you are interested to know more, please click the links before for more information:)

Maybelline Baby Lips – No Color

Maybelline Baby Lips – Colored

Maybelline COLORsensational The Shine Lipstick 

Color: 740 Sunset Diamonds

Swatch on Hand:

用後感: 呢枝唇膏個色啡啡地亦都有好多閃粉! 你地睇我咁耐知道我唔係好鍾意有閃粉既唇膏(呢個係個人喜好), 我試過, 我覺得佢個質感都好水潤。 可惜, 我就唔太鍾意有閃粉啦! 不過如果你鍾意有閃粉既唇膏,可以試下呢隻喎!! 質地好討好~~

(English: Product Review:  This lipstick contains quite a lot of shimmer!  If you have followed me for awhile, you know that I don’t like lipsticks with a lot of shimmer in it (personal preference).  I tried this a few times though and it feels moisturizing!  Just sadly I don’t like shimmery lipsticks!  If you like shimmery lipstick, you can definitely try this one!  I quite like the texture~~)

L’Oreal Paris La Color Infaillible

Color: 015 Flashback Silver

Swatch on Hand:

用後感: 呢個我係超愛呀!! 我自己都有幾粒!!! 哈哈哈!! 所以我見到Apple Box入面有呢個我超開心!! 仲要呢個色我係無既!! 我有幾愛佢? 你可以睇返我之前既Video丫, 我整咗一個係講佢同GA Eyes To Kill有幾似呀:

(English:  Product Review: This is my beloved!!  I have a few colors myself!!  *Laughs*  So I was really happy to see a color that I don’t have inside the apple box!!  How much do I love these?  You have to watch my previous video.  I talked about how similar it was when compared to GA Eyes To Kill:)

L’Oreal Paris Lucent Magique BB Cream


Before Blending:

After Blending:

Before Application:

After Application:

用後感: 哈哈!! 新產品!! 我見廣告都好吸引, 因為佢話佢係好聰明既, 搽完會變翻最貼緊你皮膚既顏色。 我一枝出黎個陣諗”死喇!!”, 因為我見佢係白色, 所以我超緊張, 我好擔心搽上面又變白面魔女! 好彩, 搽上去真係變翻同我膚色差唔多, 係膚色均勻咗, 但係就無令我過白!! 滿意!! 我覺得佢俾我個感覺都係好透薄, 如果皮膚好好既日子可以就咁用完出門口。 但係因為佢遮瑕力唔高, 所以如果想要多d coverage既日子, 我會當佢係base, 之後再用掃上foundation powder, 咁個樣就好靚喇!!  呢個我覺得一物兩用啦, 要睇翻你皮膚狀態!! 愛呀!!

(English:  Product Review:   *Laughs*  New product!!!  I was quite tempted when I saw the advertisement because it says it’s really clever in matching the skin tone.  When I first squeezed it out, I thought, “OMG!!” because it looked totally white, so I was really nervous worrying that when it was applied on skin, my skin would look too white!  Luckily, as it says, it matches my skin color.  Skin tone is more even out and my face don’t look horribly write.  I’m really happy bout this!  This BB Cream is very thin in texture, so if you have perfect skin days, you could just apply this and go out.  But if not, then you need something more due to its low coverage.  If I want more coverage on some days, I would use this as a base, then apply foundation powder, it gives my skin just the right amount of coverage!  1 item 2 uses, you can use this depending on your skin condition!!  Love!)

L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Laser x 3 New Skin Anti-aging Cream


Before Blending:

After Blending:

用後感: 呢個我用得太短日子, 所以我唔能夠講個效果, 但係我真係覺得個質感唔錯!! 搽上面好易blend得開同埋超易吸收, 唔會有痴笠笠情況出現。 我用左幾日, so far我見到係我皮膚比較光亮(無用mask幾日都好暗), 其他既功能我諗就要用耐d先見到效果。 哈哈, 當我屋企既存貨用完, 我都會考慮買呢個試!!

(English:  Product Review:  I don’t think the sample lasts me long enough for me to tell its effectiveness.  So I can only talk about its texture – it’s really nice indeed!!  It’s easy to blend on skin and it’s super easy to be absorbed!  It doesn’t leave greasiness on skin.  I have used this for a few days and so far I feel that my skin is a bit brighter than before (without using any face mask).  I can’t tell about its other functions (just yet).  But I may get this after finishing all my night cream at home!!)

整體黎講, 我覺得呢個Apple Box入面既野都好實用! 我自己係枝唇膏用唔著jer, 其他既我都啱用(什至乎用哂喇)! 哈, 又幾好, 有幾樣新產品係入面等我又有得同大家分享下~~ 唔知下個box會幾時出呢?

(English:  Overall speaking, I feel that the stuff inside the Apple Box are very practical.  I didn’t like the lipsticks and that’s about it!  And there are a few new items inside so that I could share my first thoughts with you all.  Hmmmm…. when will the next box be out?)

如果你都對呢個box有興趣, 咁你要去gooodapple度register之後再跟佢既step去參加拎下一個Apple Box啦!!

(English:  If you are interested in the box, then go registered at gooodapple and follow their steps of getting the next Apple Box!)


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