[愛讀] 最近愛上的閱讀App ♥ Kindle

最近兩個月真係勁忙, 連我自己都唔知忙咩! 只係一望日曆又會發現無咗一個星期。 我以前好多時都會有d bedtime reading, 但係呢兩個月基本上係一上床就瞓咗, 咩書都無睇過。

(English:  I have been really busy for the recent couple months, honestly, I am not even sure what I am busy doing!  Took a look at the calendar and another week has gone!  I used to have a habit of bedtime reading but these days, I basically fall asleep straight away when I go to bed…not to mention to do any reading.)

再加上屋企睇得嘅書都睇得8899, 又無點去開書店。 我諗呢個都係我少咗睇書嘅原因。唔知你覺唔覺香港d英文書賣得太貴,同埋買咁多真係無咩地方可以放(我要放咗我d化妝品護膚品先丫)。 有日同個friend Facebook傾開, 佢話佢呢期好鍾意用Kindle個app嚟download書睇(d書要買啦, 係ebook)。 我又去download, 之前望過, 但係我嗰時好傻咁同自己講我都係鍾意睇一本本個d書多d。 嘩, 我download完個app, 再係Amazon買左本eBook, 我用呢個app個陣真係超級impressed, 之後我又諗:真係唔試唔知丫!

(English:  What adds to the situation is that I haven’t been going to any bookstore and I almost finish reading everything I have at home.  Not sure if you agree that the English books in HK are really pricey and I just don’t have enough space to store any more books (have to give most of the space to my skincare/ makeup collection).  I was talking to a friend on Facebook the other day and she mentioned that she really loved using Kindle app to download eBooks (have to pay for the eBooks) these days.  I immediately downloaded the app.  Actually, I recalled I looked at the app before but at that time, I was telling myself that I still loved reading paperbacks. OMG!!  After I downloaded the app, I immediately bought an eBook at Amazon, I was super impressed withe Kindle app when I started using it!!)

Kindle個app係免費嘅, 我就用iPad嚟download, 面積大d好睇d, iPhone都可以用。

(English:  Kindle app is free.  I downloaded it on my iPad since the screen is bigger but they have one for iPhone too.)

Download完要另外去Amazon wesite註冊, 有咗login同password, 咁就可以入翻Kindle個app, 註冊埋個Kindle喇。 之後你就可以係Amazon個網上面睇下你想買嘅書, 睇好咗想買邊本就俾錢, 佢會直接將本書送去你個Kindle app度(超方便丫!)。 之後你就可以用你嘅Kindle app去睇書喇!  起初以為無咩特別啦。 原來唔係!

(English:  After downloading, please register an Amazon account, use the same login and password for the Kindle app.  Then, you can browse through Amazon for the books that you’d like to read, pay for the eBook and it will automatically appear on your Kindle app.)

當你睇睇下書見到d字唔係好識個陣, 點一點隻字, 佢就會出咗英文解說。 真係十級方便!! 唔洗離開個版面呢點真係超正。 如果見到d phrase 好正, 仲可以highlight佢添。

(English:  OMG, there is a dictionary function built into Kindle.  If you are not sure what a word means, click on the word and it will pop up the English translation.  Don’t have to leave the page at all and this is truly amazing.  If you come across some phrases that you like, you can highlight the phrase as well.)

如果真係超鍾意某d phrase, 仲可以同click share係Facebook/ Twitter同朋友分享。

(English:  And if you are really in love with some of the phrases, you could click “share” on Facebook or Twitter and your friends could see the beloved phrases as well.)

哈哈, 仲可以點一點就知你highlight咗咩野同埋bookmark咗咩野, 真係無敵好用。 係wor, 如果你嫌d字細粒好難睇, 都可以整大d個font size添。 係咪一絕先?

(English:  *laughs*  Only one click will show you what you have highlighted and bookmark, isn’t this brilliant?  Oh and you can make the font size bigger with just one click away!!  Fab and amazing!!)

其實我除咗化妝品護膚品, 我仲要鍾意high tech野。 人地話女仔係科技白痴電腦白痴, 我就唔認同喇 好多女仔都鍾意科技野,好似我咁, 我就係科技愛好者其中一份子, 係差在有無時間去研究jer!

(English:  I have to admit, apart from cosmetics and skincare items, I really love high tech gadgets.  People say girls don’t really have the high tech mindset, which I have to disagree.  I know many girls who love gadgets as well, it’s just a matter of having enough time or not to explore further.)

因為我對Kindle太過著迷, 我而家處於自己燒自己當中。 好想敗佢部Kindle Touch (click張相就睇到詳細資料)。 係,用iPad睇都得,但係Kindle Touch可以放成三千本書, 同埋體積細d又輕d, 拎出街會方便好多。 同埋最引死我係佢嘅battery可以last兩個月, 呢點超越iPad好多。

(English:  I am really in love with Kindle and I am in the process of convincing myself to buy one.  I would pick the Kindle Touch (click on the pic and more info will be available).  I know I could use iPad too but Kindle Touch can store 3,000 books and it’s actually smaller and lighter than iPad (very convenient for taking it out and about).  The most tempting thing is that its battery can last 2 months, this truly beats iPad.)

我多數都會買,但係唔會係而家。 因為嚟近都好多野要做, 所以應該唔多時間。 暫時我會用住iPad先, 等過多一兩個月後無咁忙再敗。

(English:  I will most likely to get one but not now since I will be very busy this month and next as well, I figure I might not have much time reading.  I would stay with iPad Kindle app first, and I will see how it goes after 2 months.)

我最先係嘅Kindle Edition嘅書係Donald Trump Never Give Up(click張相就睇到詳細資料)。  雖然我唔太鍾意佢個人, 但係無疑佢係一個好成功嘅商家。 我比較鍾意睇d學都野嘅書, 所以我一係唔睇, 一睇我都會揀d成功人士嘅書嚟睇。 希望當中會啟發到自己。

(English:  The first Kindle Edition book I got is Donald Trump Never Give Up (click on the pic and more info will be available).  I am not particularly fond of him as a person, but I think we can all agree on that he is a successful businessman.  I love reading books that could teach me something and I usually go for great guys’ successful stories/ strategies/ thinking, hopefully by reading them would inspire me.)

我第一本睇Donald Trump嘅書係叫Think Like a Champion (click張相就睇到詳細資料), 真係好好睇, 好有用! 睇完都學到好多野要positive d去面對。 如果你都鍾意同類型嘅書, 我好推Donald Trump呢兩本丫!

(English:  My first read of Donald Trump’s book is Think Like a Champion (click on the pic and more info will be available).  It was such a great read!  After reading, I got the idea that thinking big and positive is really important.  If you like reading similar books, I would recommend these two.)

以下呢兩本我相信好多人都聽過/睇過! 我亦都有呢兩本書係屋企。 不過應該我買Kindle個陣會再買埋eBook版。 第一本係The Secret(click張相就睇到詳細資料), 之後同一個作者出多本叫The Powder(click張相就睇到詳細資料)。

(English:  I am sure many of you have heard/ read the following two books and I got their paperbacks at home.  Well, but when I get Kindle, I am going to get their eBook versions as well.  The first one is The Secret (click on the pic and more info will be available) and the following one is The Power from the same author (click on the pic and more info will be available).)

The Secret係講人點可以用positivity去改變現狀, 簡單d講就係brain power, 當中佢講咗好多方法去教你點樣去positive d, 好老實講, being positive唔係一件好易嘅事,尤其係每日身邊都會有好多奇人奇事, 要下下都做到好positive真係唔易。 但係如果做得到, 後果當然係你想像唔到咁好啦。 如果你都open mind同埋你都想做人比較positive d, 我好推呢本書。 我睇咗三次, 每次睇完都會好興奮。 基本上, 我一唔開心就會睇少少, 呢本可以話係我心靈嘅雞湯。嘻嘻!!

(English:  The Secret encourages you to use positivity to change a situation, in simple terms, it means brain power.  There are quite a few ways to think positively.  Honestly, being positive is not an easy job, especially there is so much negativity around us each us.  But if we could do it, the results are really fruitful.  If you have an open mind and you want to learn to be more positive, I surely recommend this book.  I have read it for 3 times, and I got hyper every single time.  Indeed, this has become more like my soul’s chicken soup now.)

The Power係The Secret之後出嘅, 我覺得一定要睇左The Secret先睇The Power, 咁會全面d, 唔係你會覺得有少少無頭無尾。 The Power係再深入d去講點係d小事上做到positive, 我覺得d方法同埋情況都比The Secret具體。 如果你睇咗The Secret好想再深入少少研究, 咁就睇呢本無錯!

(English:  The Power is a follow up book of The Secret.  I recommend to read The Secret first before jumping into The Power, otherwise, you might not understand everything.  The Power offers some more concrete and solid suggestions on how to be positive in almost every situation.  The recommendations feel more solid than those in the The Secret.  If you have read The Secret and you would like to drill down a bit more, then this is for you.)

希望大家都positive, 唔好為小事煩惱啦! 開心d, 人都靚d!!

(English:  Stay positive and ignore the unimportant incidents.  Happiness brings beauty!!)

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