[大愛] 近期愛用整相App – iPhone

其實我咁鍾意用iPhone係因為佢有好多整相app都好靚。 我自己用iPhone嘅最大樂趣唔係上網同玩game(呢d我鍾意用iPad多d), 反而係影相同整相! 就係因為整相呢樣野就令我跳唔出iPhone嘅魔掌喇!

(English:  One of the main reasons that I stay with iPhone for so long is because it has quite a few wonderful photo editing apps.  My utmost joy of using iPhone is not because of getting online or playing games (I love using iPad more for these), it’s solely due to the functions of taking pics and editing the photos.)

我用用下有幾個我真係超鍾意, 不如就同大家分享下丫! 嗱, 好多都要俾錢, 但係我又覺得OK, 因為買完如果唔由iPhone轉第二d電話(係, 所以我要用iPhone!), 咁都可以用好耐。 同埋我以下介紹呢d我都覺得佢地值得咁嘅價錢嘅。 我逐個逐個講丫:

(English:  I have many apps for photo editing but there are only a few that I am absolutely in love with.  Let me share each one with you.  OK, yes many are paid apps but I still feel they’re worth it, because you only pay one time and it stays with you “forever” (well provided you don’t change it to other phones).  The followings are some that I feel absolutely worthwhile to pay.  Let me talk through each one:)


d相框同埋d stamps都好靚, 佢唔算多款式, 但夠精! 你唔想特別買個app,呢個都好好用, 可以過下癮。 以下就係用呢個app整出嚟嘅作品喇。

(English:  The frames and the stamps are pretty!  It doesn’t offer a lot of styles, but the available styles are simple yet chic.  If you don’t feel like paying for a photo editing app, this one could be a good choice to kill the itch.  You can take a look at some of my pics using this app as follows:)

RAKUGA-cute (Paid App)

呢個真係超級大愛丫! 呢個要收費。 佢入面有幾個collection(Standard, Ribbon, Heart, Alphabet and Collage),你download個陣係唔洗錢, 跟個Standard Collection, 但係入面有好多都locked咗, 要俾USD3.99先用到靚野。 之後如果你想要買其他嘅collection (Ribbon: USD1.99, Heart: USD1.99, Alphabet: USD0.99 and Collage: USD1.99), 就要逐個俾。 聽落好似好貴, 但係真係超靚, 我download左unlock左個Standard之後, 基本上兩分鐘我就買埋其他collection喇!! 呢個app係我俾錢俾得最開心嘅!

(English:  OMG!!  I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!!  This is a paid app and it has a few collections (Standard, Ribbon, Heart, Alphabet and Collage).  When you download this app, it comes with the Standard Collection and it’s free (like a trial version), but you will find that many of the lovely items are locked.  You have to pay USD3.99 to unlock those cuties. If you want other style, you could buy other collections at a later stage like Ribbon: USD1.99, Heart: USD1.99, Alphabet: USD0.99 and Collage: USD1.99).  Yep, you have to pay for each one.  Sound expensive?  Nah if you are photo editing maniac, you will love it!  I remember after I downloaded the Standard Collection, it took me only 2 minutes to decide to buy all the others!!  I have to say, “I’m totally happy with the app!”.

有光暗同唔同效果選擇, 仲可以將幾張相整埋一幅! 以下又係我d搞作!

(English:  You can adjust the brightness of the pictures and add on different effects (apart putting frames and stamps on) with this app.  You can also create multi pictures on a one-pager as well!  Here comes my creation:)

Photograd (Paid App)

呢個係我好近期download嘅。 未玩得sa入面嘅function, 但係都覺得佢有好值得介紹嘅地方! 你download個app都係唔洗錢, 但係又係有d野lock左用唔到。 如果你7日內買, 就俾USD1.99, 過左7日就要俾3.99喇。 所以如果鍾意就拿拿聲買, 唔係之後要俾多d錢呀! 入面仲有d package(比較特別d嘅stamps/ 相框)可以買(around USD0.99 – 1.99), 但係我未買,諗住玩厭d standard野先。 呀! 佢仲有個album function, 用佢整嘅相可以用佢個album睇翻, 感覺好靚呀!

(English:  I recently downloaded this one and haven’t really got the time to explore too much, but I feel that it’s worth a recommendation.  Again, when you download this app, it’s free but with some items locked up.  If you decide to buy the app in 7 days, it would only costs you USD1.99.  If you pass 7 days, then you have to pay USD3.99 – so decide quickly!!  There are other packages inside (with more frames and stamps) and each costs from USD0.99 to 1.99.  I haven’t bought them yet (no hurry), I will buy them when I get tired of the Standard version.  Oh, it has an album function too!  You can use it to view the pictures that are modified by this app!!  Looks amazing as well!!)

下面又係我d搞作。 因為download咗唔係好耐, 所以搞作暫時唔多。 哈哈!

(English:  The below are my creation, but since I haven’t downloaded it for too long, I haven’t got a lot of time to create many pictures just yet!! *LAUGHS*)

CollageDay (Paid App)

呢個就係超近期download, 佢係free嘅, 我見入面都幾靚。 見佢唔洗錢就介紹埋俾大家先。 我未真真正正開始玩! 如果唔想俾錢, 用呢個過下心癮都好好! 哈哈!!

(English: Oh I downloaded this maybe just a few days ago and it’s a free app.  It looks quite pretty inside and it’s free, so I want to talk about it first even though I haven’t really started using it that much.  If you don’t feel like paying for an app, this could be another choice alongside Deco!! *winks*)

P.S. 我見近期好多friend轉用Samsung Galaxy(II/ Note), 雖然最初都心動, 但係我問過好似唔多呢d app, 所以最後我都係做翻Apple Fans喇! 哈哈!我呢期見Prada同LG crossover出左個Prada電話! 望過個樣, 感覺好靚! 如果有friend有我會問佢借嚟玩下過下Fashionable電話癮! 哈哈!! 係, 我好鍾意研究d technology(雖然我係女仔)!!

(English: P.S.  I have seen quite a few friends/ colleagues switching from iPhone to Samsung Galaxy (II/ Note).  I admit that I was tempted at first, but I asked around and it seems to me that it doesn’t have a lot of these fabulous photo editing apps (I could be wrong?), therefore I decided to stay with Apple!  *laughs*  Ohhh….and Prada and LG have a crossover phone!!  I took a look at the store and it looks so trendy *winks*.  If I have friend using it, I would definitely borrow it to explore a bit on this fashionable piece!!  Yea I LOVE investigating hi-tech stuff (hmmmm even though I am a female!!).)

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