[生日 + App] 生日快樂 + 有趣可愛日記App

哈哈!! 今日又大一歲!! 唔知點解每年生日都係我一年最期待既一日。 雖然我有好多朋友大到某一個年紀就唔想再有生日, 但係我又覺得一年先得一日係叫同自己最有關係, 點可能唔期待呢?

(English:  *Laughs*  Today is the day which marks my 1 year older (hopefully 1 year wiser as well).  I don’t know why but every year, I really look forward to my birthday!  Even though some of my friends get to a point whereby they don’t even want to remember their birthdays, I still think out of all the days, this is the day that has a close relations to me, how can I not look forward to it?)

“It’s not the years in your life that counts, it’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln

而家人大咗無細個咁玩得咁癲! 以前真係連玩一個月, 生日前前後後個幾日都會natural high, 亦都試過兩日無瞓係咁慶祝! 諗起都仲係好回味好開心。  好彩細個玩得咁癲, 大個就無話要玩到咁。 都係簡簡單單同朋友親人一齊慶祝下! 哈哈!  今年無咩特別願望, 都係希望心想事成啦! 我都希望大家心想事成啦(呢個真係好緊要)!!  如果生日有咩特別我再另外分享啦~~ 哈哈~~

(English:  I am definitely older and less crazy when compared to when I was younger!!  I recalled that I didn’t celebrate for just 1 day, I celebrated for the whole month and I was in the state of natural high prior and after my day.  I also experienced 2 sleepless nights just because my friends and I were having a marathon celebration.  All these memories make me smile and it’s good that I did get those experience when I was young and innocent, now I wouldn’t ask for crazy celebration!  Something simple and pleasant would make me happy (see – that’s the thing when you get old!!).  Well this year, I don’t have any strange wish, I just wish that everything that I dream of/ hope for would come true (greedy lol)!!  I wish all of you the same as well!!!  If there is anything interesting happens on my day, then I will definitely share with you~~)

話說前幾日我諗開自己就快生日, 又開始諗下以前生日做過d咩。 諗諗下有d段片(哈哈), 再諗諗下就同自己講: 唔知有無d咩app係好似diary咁, 可以好cute咁記錄一d事呢?  以前個年代要做呢d野就要寫日記, 但係我無咁浪漫呀! 有時太tired又唔想寫, 淨係寫字我覺得睇翻會好悶。 如果無咩特別又更加唔想寫, 唔寫唔寫就連本野去咗邊都唔知! 哈哈!! 而家有咁多app, 應該有一個會啱心水掛!  揾咗一粒鐘同比較咗唔同既app, 我最後download左下面呢個, 玩咗幾日又真係好滿意。

(English:  So a few days ago, I was thinking about my birthday and then started to think back in time if there was anything memorable on my previous birthdays.  Then guess what!!!  I couldn’t remember some of those?!!  Then I thought to myself, “Is there any diary app?  Can it make recording events/ moments more interesting and fun?”  In the “old” days, if I wanted to make a record, I had to literally write on my diary, however, I never was (will never be) such a romantic person!!  Sometimes when I was tired, I didn’t want to write.  Only words in the diary somehow make it sound a bit boring (to me).  If there wasn’t anything special, I didn’t want to push myself.  Usually when I stopped for a day, that would mean the diary would go untouched.  *Laughs*  Guess life is different now – there must be an app to match my criteria!!  After searching for an hour and making some comparison, I finally downloaded this:)

上面呢個係一入去個app個版面, 係咪好靚好吸引? 我覺得個layout真係好掂, 好有自己係書枱寫日記個feel!!呢個app叫Day&U, 你係App Store search就會見到喇(圖如下)。 呢個app係iTunes要俾錢既,不過都好平jer, HK$15!!

(English:  The above is the first landing page when you click on the app – amazing eh?  I really love the layout.  It makes me feel like I am writing my diary on my desk!!  The app is called Day&U and just type that into App Store (see below).  This is a paid app on iTunes but it’s really reasonable, costing HK$15 only!!)

Download咗個app之後, 你可以customize下枱頭個兩張相(你見我都放咗自己相)。 之後就可以開始喇。 你click紅色本書, 就會入去你diary個部份喇:

(English:  After downloading the app, you can customize the two pics on the wall (you see that I have already changed those to my own pics).  Then you can start by touching the red book on the desk, this would lead you to your diary:)

版面有Monthly, Weekly & Daily! 如果你個日有寫過野, Monthly既某一日你會見到有sticker(你自己揀粒sticker去代表你個event)。

(English:  There are different layouts like Monthly, Weekly and Daily.  If you have recorded a certain event on a particular day, a sticker would show up on your Monthly page (well you set which sticker to record the event).

我自己就最鍾意Weekly個版面, 因為如果日日都有野發生, 成個week都會有相有野, 好靚丫!! 我既目標係日日都要揾d特別既野記錄係呢度!!  咁我再篤一月十二號個日, 就會跳去Daily (如下), 你可以睇翻個日既野喇。

(English:  I personally really love the Weekly page because imagine if you record something everyday for the week, how beautiful it would look!!  My target is to find something to record every day!!  Now when I touch Jan 12th, it will lead you to your Daily event (as follows):)

佢一日淨係可以有一個event同一個標題。 有d comment話如果一日可以多過一個event就好。 我又覺得無咩所謂。 雖然得一個event同標題, 但係你一個event可以整好多版呀!! 你見我12號呢日就有兩版喇。 上面個圖係P. 1, 下面就係P.2。 你自己可以多多發揮呀!

(English:  It can only record 1 event per day.  Some comment that if more events could be recorded, it would be great! I don’t really mind!  Even I can only record 1 event, I can create many pages within that event!  See, I have two pages on my Jan 12th event!  The above pic is P.1 and the below one is P.2.  You can exercise your creativity here!!)

係咪好靚好cute?? 我最鍾意佢係俾你痴相, 我鍾意相既diary多d, 得意得黎又唔會悶!!

(English:  Cute eh?  I really love that you can stick your photos on here, I love photo diary better because it can be very interesting!!)

佢仲有一個位俾你整Free Notes!! 有d咩真係好難忘可以再係度加料!! 我就未開始整Free Notes, 因為未有咩Inspiration, 等有先再睇下整咩!!

(English:  There is a space for your Free Notes as well!!!  If you have something special to record, you can certainly do it here!!  I haven’t started messing around with Free Notes since I don’t really have inspirations at the moment.  I might do some later!!)

你見版版都有”Share”個button,你整好咗一版你都可以分享去你既social media, 好方便!!

(English:  See the “share” button on every page?  After creating a particular page, you can also share the page to your social media – very convenient!!)

呢個版面就係你開始製作既平台喇。 我覺得要既野有哂(所以HK$15真係好抵)。 可以打text, 有basic sticker俾你痴, 有basic既tape俾你decorate,可以痴相, 畫野同埋有唔同background俾你揀。 我覺得基本都好夠用。

(English:  This is the platform where you could create your event.  It has everything you need to start off (so HK$15 is a good bargain!!).  You can add text, use the basic stickers, decorate with your basic tapes, add photos, draw something and choose different backgrounds.  Good to start with!!)

如果你覺得唔夠! 佢都有野俾你買呀!! 你去Store就會見佢有免費野(綠色)同要俾錢既野(黃色)你download。 佢有d係5 in 1, 我覺得5 in 1抵d, 因為就咁download一份都要US0.99, 但係5 in 1就US2.99。 如果5 in 1睇得啱, 我會download 5 in 1。

(English:  If you feel that it’s not enough, there is a store too!!  There are free stuff (in green) and paid stuff (in yellow) for you to download.  There are packages like 5 in 1 as well.  I feel that the 5 in 1s are a good bargain because 1 set costs around US0.99 to download, 5 in 1 costs around US2.99.  If you like most of the stuff in 5 in 1s, then  go for it!!)

睇完心唔心動? 我都唔係玩咗好多日, 但係我就已經好迷! 我仲整翻之前X’mas既大餐落去添!!!

(English:  Tempted??  I haven’t been playing with it for too long but I am obsessed with it!!  I have recorded some past events as well – like X’mas Day!!!)

希望2013年有好多好野可以記錄,開開心心! 如果你地係2013年有咩人生大事發生(結婚/生小朋友), 我覺得呢個app都可以幫你capture the moment!! 如果好似我咁, 無咩大事, 咁就記錄小事啦!! It’s all those little things which make things great!!

(English:  Hopefully there are different things for me to record in 2013 and they are happy stuff!!!  If you have some big moments in 2013 (getting married or having a new family member…etc.), I feel that this app would help you capture the moment!!  If you are like me, there aren’t many big things coming up in 2013, you can also record the smaller things.  It’s all those little things which make things great!!)

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