呢款Apivita蘆薈保濕清爽面膜喺我未有玫瑰痤瘡之前既春夏大愛之一,但係喺我爆發得好嚴重嘅時候,我完全用唔到,因為會面紅同埋熱。 我見而家皮膚都穩定咗好多,所以又再試吓,今日寫埋呢個blog post同大家分享吓。
This Apivita EXPRESS BEAUTY face mask with aloe was one of my favourites for Spring and Summer before my rosacea episode. When I was having a full on rosacea moment, I could not use it because it would make my face more hot and red. Well, (touch wood) since my skin has been very stable lately, I give this a go again. Let me share my thoughts with you.
Apivita蘆薈保濕清爽面膜 HK$380/ 6x2x8ml
Express Beauty Face Mask with Aloe LINK

- 蘆薈、透明質酸和玫瑰提取物有助解救缺水肌,恢復水分
- 荷荷巴油、小麥油、乳木果油和希臘百里香蜂蜜改善皮膚的彈性,賦予肌膚柔軟順滑的質感
- 佛手柑精油有助煥發
EXPRESS BEAUTY face mask with aloe, a well-known therapeutic plant which is used as a food supplement for the organism’s invigoration, moisturizes and instantly soothes the skin.
- It quenches the thirsty skin and recovers its hydration thanks to aloe, hyaluronic acid and rose extract
- It improves the skin’s elasticity by giving it a soft and smooth texture with jojoba oil, wheat oil, shea butter and Greek thyme honey
- It invigorates and rejuvenates with bergamot essential oil
Water in this composition has been replaced by an antioxidant wild rose infusion.

Before and After

佢個質地好似gel cream,一包可以啱啱好搽晒成塊面,唔會太薄又唔會太厚。 敷上去涼涼哋幾舒服,佢主要功效係保濕,我覺得佢保濕效果好唔錯,我通常敷15至20分鐘然後過水,過完水見到皮膚有彈性同埋乾紋仔冇咗。 而且過完水感覺係清爽,皮膚冇負擔。 第二日摸落皮膚都好滑,上妝都好貼服。 效果last到兩三日。 同埋我覺得去旅行嘅話呢個包裝都非常方便,用幾多帶幾多,唔會阻位置。 我自己春夏天比較鍾意用佢,因為夠輕盈冇乜滋潤感。 但係如果秋冬嘅話佢就唔多夠力。 所以我覺得油性或者混合性皮膚一年四季用都應該OK,但係如果乾肌或者沙漠肌既話,春夏天用可以,但係去到秋冬都係用返潤少少嘅嘢會比較適合。 而玫瑰痤瘡或者敏感爆發中既baby就唔好諗住佢可以幫你舒緩,你皮膚穩定咗之後用佢保濕係冇問題。 我覺得如果你想試嘅話就趁而家春夏天可以試吓!
Its texture is like a gel cream, a pack is just right for the whole face, not too less and not too much. It has a bit of a cooling effect on skin and its main function is hydration. I love its hydrating effect, I usually leave it on for 15-20 mins and rinse with water. Skin feels bouncy afterwards and the fine lines due to dryness disappear. I love how light the skin feels after rinsing, I feel that it doesn’t create further burden to my skin. Skin feels smooth on the second day and the makeup glides on nicely. Plus I think its packing is very convenient for travelling, it doesn’t take up much space and you just estimate how many times you are going to have time for a face mask and bring the equivalent amount. I personally love this for Spring and Summer due to its light texture; for Autumn and Winter, I would need something heavier. So I think it would work great for oily and combination skin types all year round; however, for dry and super dry skin types, I think it would work for you in Spring and Summer but for the colder months, it would be best to go for something richer. Well for babies who have rosacea or in the midst of skin allergies, don’t expect this mask to soothe your skin, rather use it as a hydrating mask after your skin is stable. If you want to try this mask, I think the best time is Spring and Summer (now lol).