[試色] Anna Sui + Givenchy 2012 春色新品

前兩日睇過video, 有無俾我燒到? 定係你等緊我呢篇試色文再作決定? 咁你有心理準備未? 呢篇文真係以放火為大前題丫!

(English:  A couple days ago, I posted a video about the recent haul that I did.  Have you got the products yet?  Or, you are waiting for my swatches on here?  Please be prepared to be tempted *laughs* (yea this is a warning)!!)

先睇Anna Sui嘅東東。 其實我都好一大斷時間無用過Anna Sui嘅用品喇。 當年我用嘅時候覺得package真係好靚, 但係效果唔算太出色, 所以我就放棄咗佢喇。 今年無啦啦又好想試下佢d野, 一來佢出左嘅胭脂真係靚得好過份;二來都想睇下咁多年無用佢, 會唔會有機會同佢平反一下啦。 不如先睇左試色圖先丫(我全部都無打底)!

(English:  Let’s look at the Anna Sui ones first.  I stopped getting Anna Sui’s products for a long time as their qualities weren’t really good at that time.  This year, I got curious again when I saw their interesting blushes.  Also, I wonder if they have actually improved their quality over this period of them.  The following are the swatches and I haven’t used any primer underneath!)


(English:  Let’s look at the blushes first:)


Anna Sui Rose Cheek Color #500

Anna Sui Rose Cheek Color #301

Anna Sui Rose Cheek Color #600

係咪全部都好靚? 全部都好上色, 同埋好有通透嘅感覺。 我初部嘅感覺好良好。 當然啦, 我會用後再分享。 但係如果你等唔切(等我報告可能要等一點時間), 我都好推你去敗丫! 佢有5隻色, 仲有一隻你會覺得啱你嘅(防火~)。

(English:  They all look wonderful, aren’t they?  And they are all really pigmented and give a slight glowing effect.  My first reaction is – good!  Of course, I will try each one of them out and give you my feedback after.  However, if you can’t wait (you know how long I have to test things before I review them), I still recommend you to get them.  There are 5 colors available and I am sure there would be a color for you (oh yea I am a devil *winks*).)


(English:  And I also got a eyeshadow and blush palette, which is of really friendly price tag as well:)

Anna Sui Eye Color & Cheek Color Palette #02


(English:  I couldn’t wait to use it the very next day~~)

好喇, 講完Anna Sui, 係時候講呢好紅嘅Givenchy喇! 我係香港買唔齊佢地呢個春色系列, 好彩俾我係台灣見到。 等我見講我係香港買個兩件東東先。

(English:  Finished with Anna Sui and it’s time to move onto Givenchy!!  I couldn’t get every of their Spring collection in Hong Kong, but I was quite lucky to be able to get them in Taiwan.  Let me talk about the 2 items that I got in Hong Kong first.)

Givenchy Unique Compact Powder – Spring Glow #1


呢個粉係咪好美? 真係超美。 佢個用法同用loose powder一樣, 但係呢個就帶多一點點好密嘅閃粉, 用完之後會有highlight嘅效果。 等我用一期再同大家分享, 希望佢會好似我超級鍾意嘅碎粉咁好用啦(回顧按此)。

(English:  Soooooooooo pretty, isn’t it??  Its usage is same as using a loose powder but this one offers more of a glowing/ highlight effect.  I will start using it and share my comments later, hopefully it’s going to be as good as its loose powder (refresh memory).)

Givenchy Colors, Light & Design for Eyes (4 Colors) #79


救命呀! 真係燒死人! 有無燒到你呀?  嘻嘻~~

(English:  OMG!!  They are all really fabulous!!  Have I tempted you?? *laughs*)

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