相信大家如果長頭髮而有乾髮煩惱,髮尾又罕又開叉嘅話,你應該對髮尾油呢個乾髮好物唔陌生。 今日想同大家分享呢一枝黑咪店熱賣髮尾油 – Esterel Argan Oil,我當年一試都已經好鍾意,一齊望下點解丫。
If you have long hair, I think you are very familiar with hair oil. Today I want to talk about Esterel Argan Oil, which is one of our hot items in Hakme Beauty. When I first tried it years ago, I fell in love with it immediately. Let me explain why.
Esterel Argan Oil HK$300/100ml LINK

✅Dry Oil質地,易吸收唔黏笠
✅Dry oil texture, non-greasy
✅Anti-UV to protect hair from UV damage
✅Use before styling to protect hair
✅Pleasant scent

雖然長頭髮髮尾都會好乾,如果再加埋又染又電就仲傷啲添, 但係乾啫,都唔等於我哋鍾意搽啲好笠嘅野落把頭髮嗰度。 啲頭髮痴埋一餅個下真係not a good look。 呢枝Esterel Argan Oil係dry oil質地,唔會肥,所以搽落頭髮唔會令頭髮好大負擔痴埋一齊。 因為淨係用係髮尾同埋佢好輕身,所以唔會影響頭頂嘅空氣感。 但係佢又真係可以令啲頭髮無咁散,令翻有光澤唔會好似一堆草。 同埋佢抗UV保護我哋啲頭髮唔會被曬乾。 另一大特點係佢個氣味超討好,好似Coco Mademoiselle隻香水味,個味好高級同埋都keep到好多個鐘頭,人哋行過都輕輕會聞到,好鬼香!! 我造型前會用佢嚟protect下啲頭髮,什至有時我坐坐下覺得啲頭髮好散我都會用佢,等我個頭望落無咁癲。 濕髮乾髮都用得好方便!正野嚟㗎,我超愛! 有興趣過嚟舖頭試(黑咪店地址)或者撳呢條link上網買都得。
For people who have long hair, we usually find the ends drier than usual; and if you are a fan of dying your hair or perming your hair, you might even have split ends. Though the ends might be dry, that doesn’t mean that we would go for greasy products because when the hair sticking together and look rather oily, it’s not a good look baby. This Esterel Argan Oil is more of a dry oil texture, so it’s not greasy at all, it adds shine and moisturises hair without looking unsightly. Also, due to its light weight, it won’t affect the bounciness of hair. Plus, it’s anti-UV rays so it protects hair from being fried by the sun. Another amazing thing about this hair oil is that the scent is very similar to Coco Mademoiselle’s perfume, it’s very high-end and the scent lasts for quite a good few hours. When people pass by, they can smell it too! It’s an attractive scent! I use this before styling to protect my hair and I also use it when my hair feels very dry and messy. It helps my hair to look more presentable! It can be used on both wet and dry hair, very convenient! I just love it! If you are interested, you can come to have a try at Hakme Beauty stores (addresses here) or buy online from this link.