An Affordable Hydrating Toner: Esterel Moisturising Tonic Lotion

有啲功效未必人人都要,但係保濕就一定係無論咩膚質同埋年紀都需要。 今日想同大家分享呢枝性價比好高嘅保濕toner。 一齊睇下點解我咁推薦丫。

Not everyone needs anti-aging, brightening and soothing, however, I think we can all agree that everyone needs hydration. Today I want to tell you all about this affordable hydrating toner from Esterel, let’s see why I recommend it so much.

Esterel Moisturizing Tonic Lotion HK$270/260ml



✅Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) as one of the primary elements in keeping skin healthy preserving the structure of the epidermis (outer layer of skin).
✅The product’s formula is enriched with a patented active principle extracted from Bran soothing and restoring the skin against the signs of age.


Esterel Moisturizing Tonic Lotion係噴頭設計超方便。洗完面噴幾下全面都照顧到。 而且噴出嚟係霧狀,唔會好似水柱咁。 拍兩拍吸收晒,超易吸收又唔會笠。 皮膚飲飽水就算唔即時搽其他產品都唔會覺得乾。 摸落係滑到線手但係表面係爽身。 佢最好嘅地方就係佢保濕得嚟佢仲鎖水,唔會一陣就蒸發晒又乾過。 我覺得呢樣係我最愛佢嘅地方! 化咗妝如果覺得乾都可以用佢on top保翻濕,佢唔會整花個妝,之後要補妝又唔會一達達反而仲會貼啲添。 我唔單只塊面用佢,大家都知我個身都乾,但係有時好夜返屋企或者係已經好攰,未必再有力氣沖完涼仲慢慢捽body cream,嗰啲日子我就會沖完涼用佢噴幾下喺啲好乾嘅位置度頂住先,第二日起身嗰啲位都無好乾,仲係滑到線手㗎! 同埋travel嘅時候將佢入落樽仔跟身,係機上面隨時噴下,咁落機個下都唔會乾到裂開呀!呢枝產品人人都啱,油肌中性混合肌保濕得嚟皮膚唔會覺得好大負擔,而乾肌沙漠肌就可以保濕得嚟幫手鎖埋水,唔會好易又覺得好乾。 有興趣過嚟舖頭試(黑咪店地址)或者撳呢條link上網買都得。

Esterel Moisturizing Tonic Lotion comes in a spray bottle and I love the convenience of it! After cleansing, spray a few times and it takes care of the whole face. I like how it comes out like a fine mist. Pat a couple times and it gets absorbed really easily without being sticky or heavy. It hydrates skin well and skin becomes so smooth to touch, my skin doesn’t feel dry even I don’t apply other skincare immediately after. The best thing about this toner is that it doesn’t only hydrate, it helps to retain the moisture inside as well. Hence it won’t evaporate into thin air after 1-2 mins and then skin would feel dry again! This is why I love it so much! It can even be used on top of makeup if you feel skin is a bit dry during the day. It won’t mess up your makeup and when you have to retouch, you would feel that the makeup blends in better instead of going all cake-y. I don’t use this only on my face, I use this on my body too. You know the days when you come back home very late or you feel absolutely exhausted, you don’t really have the mood to rub in body cream in a very zen way after you shower. Yea those days! I use this to spray on my driest areas after coming out from shower, those areas don’t feel dry and are still very smooth to touch when I wake up the next morning! Plus, depot this into a smaller spray bottle and bring it with you when you travel. Spray this sparingly during flight to ensure skin stays hydrated throughout the journey! This product is great for every skin type. Oily, combo and normal skin types won’t feel any burden using this to hydrate; while for dry and super dry skin, you would benefit from the retaining moisture function as well. If you are interested, you can come to have a try at Hakme Beauty stores (addresses here) or buy online from this link.

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