昨天我被邀到去AMOREPACIFIC體驗他們的皇牌煥采活膚facial,當中加插了肩頸按摩,所以整體來說我覺得是一半facial一半spa! 飛不了可愛的泰國~唯有在香港合上眼想像自己在泰國做spa吧!
Yesterday I went to AMOREPACIFIC for its Timeless Skin Revitalizing Experience, I got a shoulder and neck massage on top, so I would say it was more like half facial and half spa! Since we can’t travel to the lovely Thailand, we might just as well close our eyes and imagine we are having a spa in Thailand!
答應去體驗之前我都有問過PR,我皮膚不只是敏感,我還有玫瑰痤瘡啊,究竟適不適合?她說一般敏感肌可做,另外亦有客人有濕疹/玫瑰痤瘡等等都沒太大問題。 既然她那麼有信心,我就試一試啦。 說實的,我真的有擔心過! 因為一般的韓國產品滿足不到我的公主病面啦,我亦不想因為自己皮膚麻煩拿美容師來搞。 加上,PR是看到我IG Story打完laser搞到面又紅又腫一片好心邀請我想我快點復完。 如果皮膚又公主病病發,我怕對不起大家啊~~
Before saying “yes” to the experience, I checked with the PR since my skin wasn’t just sensitive, I have rosacea, it might be tricky for my skin. She told me that this experience was suitable for sensitive skin, also eczema and rosacea. Well, since she was confident, I decided to give this a go. To be honest, I did worry! A. Korean products usually give me allergies; B. I really don’t want to freak out or trouble the beautician. C. The lovely PR was super kind to offer me the experience because she noticed my very red and swollen skin after laser. IF, IF my skin doesn’t behave during the process, I feel that it would be quite an embarrassing situation. Hence, the worry!

到達後,我就跟BA和美容師我對什麼成分過敏之後我就專心去enjoy一下。美容師先幫我做肩頸按摩(另外加的),她用的綠茶按摩油超。級。香! 非常清新舒服! 舒服到我忙了自己在香港也忘了自己有玫瑰痤瘡! 肩頸按摩主要是通通淋巴排排毒。 完成了這個部分就到面部,先用落妝油落妝,洗面,敷煥采活膚嫩顏面膜做排毒淨化,再用Time Response系列不同產品做按摩做導入再做軟膜,最後又再按摩肩頸頭。 完成!
When I arrived, I told the BA and Beautician of which ingredients I am allergic to, then I decided I should really stop worrying and get to enjoy the experience. The Beautician did the shoulder and neck massage first (extra) and she used this beautifully scented green tea massage oil! OMG!! It was very soothing and refreshing, so refreshing to the point that I forgot I was in Hong Kong and I forgot I had rosacea!! LOL. The shoulder and neck massage is mainly for unblocking the lymph node. After it’s done, she moved onto the facial part – removing makeup, face cleansing, doing Time Response Vintage Wash Off Masque to detox and purify, then followed by the rest of the Time Response products with massages, soft mask, back to shoulder, neck and head massage. DONE!
整個過程都非常enjoyable! 我非常驚喜我的皮膚沒有失禮人家。 我只是洗面過後皮膚某一個位置有少許暖暖和痕,之後美容師幫我敷煥采活膚嫩顏面膜5分鐘,暖和痕都退走了。聽她說這個面膜本身是排毒淨化去黃,但也有鎮靜效果,所以皮膚不舒服的時候也可以敷一敷! 這個我都買了一粒,你知道我的皮膚不是這裡痕就是那裡痕,所以我想買回家試試看。
The whole process was enjoyable! I was really surprised that my skin didn’t act out. It did feel a bit warm and itchy right after face cleasing, but after the Beautician applied the Time Response Vintage Wash Off Masque for 5 minutes, the discomfort was gone. I heard this is mostly for detoxing, purifying and brightening up skin complexion, however, it does have a bit of calming function as well, so when skin wants to act up, this could be useful! I bought this for a proper trial at home, I thought my skin was itchy from time to time and this could come in handy.

完成整個體驗後,我覺得皮膚比較通透亦比較緊緻,蘋果肌亦比較飽滿! 最重要的是我皮膚沒有發作! 又按摩又搽整個系列的產品,我皮膚都沒有發更多敏感(本身敏感中),實在太難得! 好開心! 我好久沒做過facial啦~~今次確實是一個非常好的體驗! 大家有興趣的話,都可以試試看!! 我推介啊~~~(我自己也考慮要不要join個package!哈哈~~)另外,某些你們一直都有叫我分享AMOREPACIFIC的產品好不好用,以前我一直沒試過亦不敢試(多數韓國品牌令我敏感)。 今次體驗後確定黑咪可用,所以未來日子都會試更多他們的產品再跟大家好好分享!
After finishing the whole treatment, I feel that skin tone is more even, skin is more tightened and the apple cheeks are more plumped! And the most important thing for me is that my skin didn’t go crazy! My skin wasn’t getting more allergic after the massage and different products. It’s priceless and I am so happy! It’s been a really long time since my last facial ~~~ and now I have an option! This is a great experience for me and if you are interested, I highly recommend you to go try for yourself! Plus, some of you have always asked me to review AMOREPACIFIC products, I didn’t want to before because Korean products usually give me bad allergies. However, now their products are quite friendly for my skin, I will be sure to review their products for you later!!