[保養] 韓國All In One Essence好物

之前係韓國品牌The Saem拎嘅野有兩件都未講。今日先講一件, 過兩日再講埋另外既一個產品。 呢個產品都幾特別,因為佢話佢係All-In Toner Essence!

(English:  I got another two products from the Korean brand – The Saem but I haven’t talked about them so far.  Today, I wanna talk about one item first, then I will talk about the other one in a couple days.  I find this product quite intriguing in the sense that it’s call All-In Toner Essence!)

The Saem Gem Miracle Diamond All-In Toner Essence
The Saem Gem Miracle 鑽石全面精華


(English:  Hahahaha….I really like the fact that there are some particles inside the product!!)

Product Information:

“含鑽石粉末, 代表永恆不變的美.

天然紫草米精油 :
一種具神奇功效的草本, 能透過解毒功效及皮膚再生而緩和發炎.

有機植物阿甘油 :
能提供一個優良的抗氧化效果,像清道夫般除去引致老化問題的自由基, 而且提供豐富的維他命E, 胡蘿蔔素及植物固醇滋潤肌膚”

(English: “A toner essence containing diamond powder, the symbol of unchanging
beauty and a 3-second moisture essence that helps maintain an optimal
oil/water balance to make skin moisturized and resilient.

Natural Gromwell essential oil :
A mysterious medicinal herb alleviates inflammation through skin detoxification and helps skin regeneration.

Organic Argan oil :
It produces an excellent anti-oxidation result and plays a role as a
scavenger that eliminates free radicals, which is the major cause of
aging. And, it provides a rich moisturizing action with a high content
of natural vitamin E, carotene, and phytosterol.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):20 times
用後感:我成日覺得韓國牌子會好香,呢個聞落又唔算好香喎! 佢個質感都比較水,比一般既精華稀身! 個BA同我講話佢有埋導入既功能,所以用左佢之後再用自己既產品會更加吸收!我通常洗完面skip toner直接用佢, 搽完個下感覺好唔錯,好水好保濕! 過一陣就會吸哂係皮膚入面,無過厚重既感覺!而家天氣啱哂! 我發覺用完佢之後再用自己既護膚品真係吸得好d! 我拎咗d我平時會覺得有少少lup lup哋嘅產品嚟用,真係吸好多wor,平時lup嘅野變得唔lup!!哈哈!!!幾好幾好!!我幾鍾意呢個產品,用個時好舒服同埋覺得好保濕!我覺得佢個導入功能真係唔錯,連平時lup嘅產品都用得翻!正!!!推呀!!有興趣可以去counter度玩下丫!!

(English:  Product Review: I always have an impression that Korean products have such a strong scent, but this one is not overly scented.  Its texture is quite light and it’s lighter than the usual essence.  The BA said to me that it has a function which could help the latter applied skincare products to be absorbed better.  I usually use this right after cleansing my face (skip toner).  The instant feeling is that it’s quite hydrating!  After a few secs, it’s absorbed into skin completely and it doesn’t make me feel heavy at all.  I think it suits this kind of weather really well.  And I also discover that the skincare products applied after using this product do get absorbed better!  I use some of the heavier skincare products and they do get absorbed better into the skin without giving me the usual heavy feeling.  Nice!!  I quite like this product personally.  It’s comforting, hydrating and it helps your other skincare products absorbed better!  Great!!  I would recommend this product!!  If you are interested, try out the texture at the counter!)

由而家到August 10th, 你地仲可以上網登記令取試用裝添, 快d參加啦 –> Click HERE

(English:  From now on till August 10th, you could register for a set of free sample, come on and join now –> Click HERE)

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