[時尚] Alexandre de Paris 高雅舒服髮飾

其實我覺得我個人咁敗家既其中一個原因係我有好多敗家friend, 行埋一齊成日都講敗咗咩咩咩好用, 之後故事發展通常都係一齊去敗埋一份(死味!!)。 唉! 我都唔知我應該開心定唔開心好, 我個friend送咗一個Alexandre de Paris既頭箍俾我, 跟住我就開始又探索呢個品牌(當然又導致到跌錢啦!)…

(English:  Actually I think the reason that I haul so much from to time is because I have many friends with the same “hobby”.  When we get together, it’s usually about our recent haul and what’s good what’s bad, then the usual story goes – we go to a certain brand and haul together (No Wonder!!).  Sighs..I don’t know if I should be happy or not, recently a friend gave me a headband from Alexandre de Paris and then I sort of got hooked with this brand….)

事源係我個朋友開始迷上呢個品牌, 話佢地既產品雖然貴, 但係就好舒服。 佢真係好有心, 我地好耐之前講開我話我鍾意帶頭箍,但係好多時我都會帶到好頭痛, 所以無再買喇。 咁佢自己敗完用過覺得好好, 所以為咗燒我就送一個俾我(為咗燒我真係揼本呀!!)。

(English:  My friend is really obsessed with Alexandre de Paris hair accessories.  Even though they are on the luxurious side, she keeps stressing how comfortable they are.  Long time ago, I mentioned that I loved headbands, but the sad thing was that many caused me serious headache, so I had to give up.  Then she was so thoughtful to give me one as a gift because she tried the headbands herself and thought they were excellent (she just wanted to use one headband to tempt me…you know what? She won!!).)

Alexandre de Paris Headband

個顏色好清好好睇, 平時返工帶好啱, 又唔會過分高調!

(English:  The color was simple and refreshing.  Perfect for a work day as it looks very chic!)

佢裡面唔係全部都有抓, 只係某部份既位置有。 帶上去唔會吉頭!

(English:  The inside are filled up with “teeth”, the “teeth” are placed in certain areas and they don’t feel pointy when it’s on the head.)

我個朋友講到咁好, 我當然即刻都試下啦。 佢隻物料好輕身同埋好flexible, 帶上去真係超舒服呀!! 佢d頭箍真係貴婦價錢,
閒閒地都要一兩千一個(如果有石仲唔止添), 不過我覺得佢真係好值(又係值得投資既一個產品)。 點解, 因為我成世人未試過帶頭箍一d都唔頭痛!
我通常帶15分鐘, 個頭就會痛到頂唔住。 但係呢個Alexandre de Paris既頭箍, 我帶咗成日都無事, 仲要覺得舒服得黎,
佢個樣又好高貴!! 跟住你地都大概估到啦, 我隔咗兩日即刻碌落去佢地間店去睇下有無其他款式同埋敗家!! 哈哈!

(English:  I had to verify if what my friend was telling me was truth, so I immediately tried it after I got my gift!  The material is very light and flexible and it’s really comfortable sitting on the head.  Alexandre de Paris’ headbands are quite a luxury, they generally cost HK$1000-2000@ (if there are Swarovski crystals, the prices might be more), but I do think they are worth the money!!  Usually when I have headbands on, I would get a serious headache after 15 mins, however, when I wear Alexandre de Paris’, my head feels comfortable all day and they don’t hurt at all!  Not only that they feel nice on the head, but they also look absolutely gorgeous!  Then maybe you could guess?  I went to their store to check out and ended up hauling!! *winks*)

我去到當日我有相機係身, 我越睇越想同大家分享, 於是我問個Sales俾唔俾我影相, 佢打完個電話好nice咁話俾我聽可以, 咁不如睇下佢個店d野先丫:

(English:  The day I went there, I had my camera with me.  The more I browsed through, the more I wanted to share their collections with you.  Then I ask the Sales lady to see if I could take some photos.  She made a call and said yes (she is being very nice) and here comes the photos:)


(First come the collection in black:)

佢d花花做得好靚丫!! 全部都係人手做, Made In France (都話我鍾意法國野啦!)!!

(English:  Love their flowers – amazingly beautiful!!  Every piece is done by hand and they are made in France (told you that I am in love with anything related to France!)!!)

雖然有好多閃石, 但係唔覺得好濁, 反而好高雅呀! 靚野真係一眼就睇得出!

(English:  Even though there are many sparkling crystals, it doesn’t feel over-the-top.  It feels elegant!!  Definitely can spot good quality stuff with just one wink!!)

唔想黑色, 都有好底調斯文既beige色:

(English:  Don’t like black?  They have the very chic collection in beige:)

返工好啱呀! 唔會無野睇, 又唔會太搶眼!! 我最鍾意中間交叉個個, 特別d!

(English:  Perfect for work!!  Not too much!!  I really love the one in the middle which looks like a cross – something different!)

d髮夾都好靚呀! 我個friend話都係好舒服, 唔會扯到頭髮! 呢兩個真係靚爆(衝動中…好想全包)!!

(English:  The hair clips are really fabulous a well.  My friend said they are all very comfortable and they won’t grab your hair too much.  I love the two, they are just SO NICE *getting impulsive*).)

超欣賞佢既花花, 做得好細緻!! 太靚喇!! 我私心呢個, 因為覺得顏色好靚, 仲要佢下層花邊有石!

(English:  Super in love with their flowers, very delicately done!!  Super pretty!!  I love this one, because the colors are wonderful and there are crystals on the edges of the lower layer petals!!)

上面呢個型既頭箍我要呀!!!!好特別!!!! 同埋我一見到就覺得帶上頭會好睇(想像力太好)!!

(English:  I want the above one and I really WANT it!!  Again, something different!!  When I see it, I know it’d look good on the head (very good imagination – yea!)!)

如果你鍾意蝴蝶同紫色, 我覺得你一定會迷戀以下呢個! 我見到個時同自己講:洗唔洗咁靚??

(English:  If you are a fan of butterflies and purple, I guarantee that you will get obsessed with the following.  When I saw this, I was like, “really?  Do they have to be this gorgeous?”)

呢d花花個型做得好靚, 同埋你覺唔覺得個感覺好浪漫?

(English:  These few flowers are really nice, do you feel that they bring an ambiance of romance?)

如果上面個d你都覺得唔係太狂野! 仲有動物紋系列:

(English:  Not wild enough?  What about animal print?)

今年因為最hot既顏色係酒紅色, 所以佢地都出左一d呢個顏色既髮飾:

(English:  Since the hottest color for this year is red wine, so they have something new:)

One Side:

The Other Side:


(English:  And the materials are different too!)


(English:  There are other materials too!!)

哈哈, 我對所有豹文既野都係有好感, 所以以下呢個我要影:

(English:  *Laughs*  Since I love everything leopard, I have to take a pic of the following:)

佢既新色Pinces Vendome都好有聖誕氣氛, 自用送俾人做禮品都好!

(English:  Their new released Pinces Vendome are in new colors too – reminds me of X’mas.  Actually they are perfect for self-use or give as gifts!!)

哈哈, 仲要除咗呢兩個色, 佢仲有好多其他顏色大小:

(English:  Apart from the above two colors, there are actually many colors to choose from and they come in different sizes too:)

係咪好靚好多款式? 大家有無好奇我敗左d咩? 哈哈, 我會好快同大家分享, 我會帶上頭等你地睇到個效果!! 真係太靚呀!! 我覺得我寫呢篇文章都係揾自己笨, 話就話同大家分享, 其實又係自焚一翻!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Many different styles to choose from, right?  Are you curious of what I’ve bought?  *Laughs*  I will get to share that with you really soon and I’d probably wear them so you get to see the effect – they are just beautiful!  Somehow, I don’t think I have made a very smart choice to write about this piece, because it seems all I have been doing is to tempt myself even more!! *Laughs*)

Store Address:

Shop 221, Level 2, Pacific Place, Admiralty

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