日本品牌Albion Infinesse Eliminate Cleansing Milk 好唔好用

Albion未嚟香港嘅時候,我喺台灣托佢哋嘅產品返嚟香港試。 到佢哋嚟咗香港,我反而一直都冇入手,直至去英國前幾星期,我突然間好想試吓佢哋嘅產品好唔好用再同大家分享,所以入手左好幾樣嘢,今日先同大家分享吓呢一枝我自己好鍾意嘅Albion Infinesse Eliminate Cleansing Milk。

Before Albion arrived in Hong Kong, I got their stuff when I travelled to Taiwan to try.  However, when Albion arrived here, I wasn’t very much interested until a few weeks before I flew to the U.K.  I just suddenly had the urge to review more products and hence I hauled from the brand.  Today I want to tell you my thoughts about Albion Infinesse Eliminate Cleansing Milk which is one of my favorites from the brand.

Albion 賦活彈力淨膚卸妝乳 HK$370/200g
Infinesse Eliminate Cleansing Milk LINK

Albion Infinesse Eliminate Cleansing Milk


Albion 賦活彈力淨膚卸妝乳話可以卸妝,但係我發覺佢卸唔到全妝或者一啲防水防油嘅產品,我覺得卸淡妝或者防曬係OK。 我自己當佢係洗面奶咁樣用。 講真佢氣味唔討好,我覺得佢有少少美容酒精嘅氣味,但係竟然用喺我塊面度完全冇泛紅嘅情況出現。 因為玫瑰痤瘡同埋敏感皮膚,我用好多唔同品牌嘅洗面產品都會有少少面紅嘅情況出現,雖然隔一陣間就會散紅,但始終見到都唔係咁安心。 反而我用呢一枝賦活彈力淨膚卸妝乳嚟洗面,洗完皮膚好柔軟,有光澤,唔會笠,亦完全冇泛紅嘅情況出現,所以就算佢氣味麻麻哋,我自己都好鍾意! 

Albion Infinesse Eliminate Cleansing Milk is said to be able to remove makeup, I think for light makeup or sunscreen, it’s fine; but for heavy-duty or waterproof eye makeup, then the cleansing power is not strong enough.  Therefore, I use this as my regular face wash.  Well, its scent is not that pleasant, I feel like I could smell the alcohol inside, however it doesn’t impose any redness on my skin!  I have rosacea and my skin is sensitive, so many cleansers would give rise to red patches on my skin after rinsing, though the redness does go away after a short while, it’s not that reassuring.  When I use Albion Infinesse Eliminate Cleansing Milk as face wash, my skin becomes soft, brightened up and non-greasy!  The best part is that my face doesn’t go red, and that’s why I love it even though the scent is not exactly wonderful.

我覺得呢一枝算係驚喜之作,我初初都係抱住試吓嘅心態覺得未必會啱用,點知一試愛上! 如果你鍾意用洗面奶,你皮膚好似我咁有公主病嘅問題,我覺得你都可以試吓(如果你對酒精敏感都NO喇),可能你都會有驚喜! 得閒行過佢哋counter試吓個質感閒吓個味再決定啦。

I feel like this cleansing milk is a pleasant surprise for me, I just wanted to try and I half expected that it might not work out for me, but I LOVE IT!  If you love using cleansing milk and your skin is as delicate as mine without being allergic to alcohol, give this a go as it might surprise you too.  Have a try and a sniff next time you pass by their counters before you make the decision. 

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