[保養] Ahava礦物精華保濕防曬日霜SPF15

早前係blogger朋友介紹下接受左試用Ahava呢枝產品,其實我都係都第一次接觸Ahava呢個品牌。 呢個品牌既故事都係死海個度開始! 我真係好想去下死海感受下佢d礦物係咪真係對皮膚咁好!! 希望有機會去到啦(係我有生之年)!!

(English:  Awhile back, I was introduced to Ahava through a blogger friend.  Actually it was my first time to try Ahava’s products, so I did a bit research and knew that the brand started with the famous Dead Sea!!  I really wish I could go to Dead Sea someday and see if the mud and minerals there are really good for skin!!  Hopefully it doesn’t take long for me to arrive there and explore!!)

Ahava Time to Hydrate Essential Moisturizing Lotion SPF15

價錢(Price):HK$420/ 50ml

 Product Information:

“Essential, long lasting hydration and balanced protection powered by OsmoterTM. This lightweight, quick absorbing daily lotion is infused with AHAVA’s innovative Urban ComplexTM, a powerful mix of minerals and rare botanic extracts, that together broad spectrum SPF 15, provides skin with superior protection against premature aging. In addition, the rare botanic extracts in this daily lotion have proven anti-oxidant activity to fight environmental aggressors.”


Before Blending





使用次數(No. of Usage): 30 times

用後感: 我自己一向都好少用日霜,因為多數化妝,所以用防曬同makeup base就算,再加埋以前用過某d日霜個感覺痴笠笠,之後我都嚇怕咗! 當我拎到呢枝產品既時候,我都係最concern都係個質感! 哈,點知佢一d都唔笠丫!! 佢係lotion狀,好易推得開得黎我覺得佢有少少earthy個感覺。 隔一少陣就吸收哂入皮膚,仲要吸完個下摸落皮膚度係超級滑手!! 佢亦都有少少清香既氣味,都幾好聞得黎又唔會供鼻! 另外我都覺得佢保濕效果唔錯, 搽咗佢皮膚滑滑之餘係一d都唔會覺得乾!! 唔錯呀!! 但係覺得佢得15度防曬呢下真係有d不足,以前太陽無咁強個年代都ok,但係而家我覺得閒閒地都要27-30度先叫方便,如果唔係15度成日要補搽!! 呢個產品我自己會係屋企無化妝既日子去用(咁我可以好自由地補搽),或者如果我有日想化妝之前快速保濕一下皮膚(可能個日覺得皮膚好乾),我就會用佢打底先,之後先再用自己既化妝品!! 我覺得so far感覺係好唔錯,如果防曬系數高多少少就真係perfect!  

(English:  Product Review:  I am not a day moisturizer person because I usually wear makeup and I prefer using makeup base with SPF in it.  Plus I had some really bad experience with those day moisturizers, as I found them to be too heavy and greasy!  When I got this product, the first thing I tested out was its texture!  *Laughs*  And it is very light weight and not greasy at all!  It’s in a lotion form, very easy to blend and somehow I feel a little “earthy” while blending out.  It’s super easy to absorbed and after that, skin feels amazingly smooth!!  It does contain a light scent, it’s quite relaxing but not overwhelming!!  Nice!!!  However, it only contains SPF15 and I feel that it’s not enough these days.  I would call something with SPF27-30 convenient these days because I don’t have to worry about re-application all the time.  For SPF15, I definitely have to remind myself to keep re-applying.  I now use this at home when I don’t wear makeup (then I could freely do my re-application) or I use this underneath my makeup when I want to hydrate my skin quickly!  So far, I think it’s a good product, it would have been perfect if the SPF was a tiny wee bit higher!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.ahava.com)



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