[時尚] 生日禮物之agnes b黑金男裝手錶

唔經唔覺又過咗今年既生日! 今年生日我都係好平安中度過, 最愛都係一連串既飲飲食食!! 哈哈!! 不過飲飲食食呢d留翻我再去個d地方既時候再拍vlog啦, somehow我覺得好似vlog講野食會開心d同全神d! 哈哈!!  Mr Honey既大禮我就未收到, 原因係佢想我自己揀, 但係我自己呢期無咩好特別既野好燒! 所以未有頭緒! 都唔急既, 我慢慢諗!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Time flies and I have officially passed my birthday!  This year, I had quite a peaceful birthday and the best part was eating and drinking.  *Laughs*  For the restaurants and such, I will save them till I go again and share in a vlog format, somehow I feel that using a vlog format to talk about food creates more happiness and it transfers the message better.  *Smiles*  I haven’t received Mr Honey’s big gift yet because he asked me to choose for myself and I haven’t been wanting anything too special, so I have no idea at the moment.  I won’t rush it, I would take my time on this *grins*!!)

今年收到唔同既禮物, 份份我都好鍾意同埋好實用, 不過今日我想講下呢一份好特別又好型既禮物! 係我三個最好既朋友一齊送俾我既大禮!! 嘻嘻~~~

(English:  This year, I received different types of gifts and I love all of them and they are very useful.  Today I want to talk about something really special and cool!!  It’s a gift from my best 3 buddies!! *Winks*)

agnes b Black Rose Gold Chronograph Men’s Watch


個價錢我係寫俾你地知, 如果你有興趣, 你可以睇下會唔會within你budget啦!

(English:  The price is put down here for you, if you are interested, you can see if it’s within your budget!)

超有型呀!! 黑色同玫瑰金色真係絕配!!因為佢係男裝款, 所以個錶面會比較大, 我就係鍾意佢咁樣!  大大隻唔止可以睇時間,仲可以係Fashion Accessory添!!!

(English:  Super cool eh?  Black and rose gold go really well together!  Since it’s supposed to be under the men’s watch category, the face of the watch is quite big in size.  I really love this because it doesn’t only tell me the time, it can be used an fashion accessory as well!!)

錶帶有agnes b既名。

(English:  There are the words “agnes b” on the clasp.)

我手都幼, 帶上去個錶面我覺得個大小啱啱好(當然再大d我都絕對接受得到啦), 唔誇張得黎我覺得佢好有氣勢!! 硬朗得黎又時尚。 再加上佢有少少金色, 低調當中又搶眼! 超愛!!

(English:  My wrist is quite thin, therefore the face of the watch sits on my wrist quite perfectly (of course I can handle even bigger sizes), it’s not over the top but it certainly create an atmosphere of coolness!  It’s tough and trendy, plus its rose gold color, it’s low-key yet eye-catching!!  Absolutely in love!!)

呢個款亦都好timeless, 長帶都唔會過時!! 而家我日日帶住佢, 大愛!!! 你地之後睇我fashion shoot應該都會好多時見到佢既蹤影喇!!  太襯我喇!!!

(English:  I feel that this is one of the most timeless pieces as well.  Now I wear it everyday and fall more and more in love with it!!!  When I do fashion shoot later, you should be able to see this a lot of time!!  It just matches my personality and my style perfectly!!)

再次多謝呢三位好友!! 嘻嘻!! Thank You Very Much!!  Muah >3< !!

(English:  Again, thank you my 3 buddies for the fabulous gift *smiles*!!  Thank You Very Much!!  Muah >3< !!)


(English:  For the other presents, I will talk about them in a separate post!!

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