[保養] 去黃洗面佳品 AESOP Parsley Seed Facial Cleanser

自從公司附近開咗AESOP之後,我就日日都唔係好安落,怕自己一行入去又敗得落花流水! 不過又咁講,我係幾鍾意佢某d產品,只係我屋企太多野等住我用,我想用咁d產品先再敗jer!我之前都講過我喺佢地度敗咗d咩喇,唔係好記得就可以回顧下面呢個video。

(English:  Since there is a new AESOP near my work place, I have been quite worried that I would walk in and spend a fortune!  Indeed, I quite like some of their products but I still have too many things at home that I have to take care of first!  I have talked about what I’ve got in one of my video and if you can’t remember, you are welcome to refresh your memory as follows:)

差唔多樣樣我都開哂嚟用(唔等得,好心急丫!)。但係我唔想一篇文講哂(好長),所以我逐樣逐樣產品講。我先講下Parsley Seed Set裡面其中一樣產品,就係個Parsley Seed Facial Cleanser喇!

(English:  I think I have opened up everything to try (can’t wait lol!).  However, I don’t want to talk about them altogether in one blog post (that would be a really long post), so I decided to talk about each item.  Well the focus of the day is the Parsley Seed Facial Cleanser inside the Parsley Seed Set.)

AESOP Parsley Seed Facial Cleanser

價錢(Price):HK$295/ 100ml & HK$440/ 200ml

Product Information:

“A gentle gel cleanser with a rich lather, for use on all skin types.  Offers additional benefit of mild exfoliation from Lactic Acid, and balancing from Jojoba Oil.  Skin will feel completely cleansed, clarified and softened.  For best results, apply to dampened skin and leave for several minutes before massaging over the face and neck.  Rinse off thoroughly.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):20 times 

用後感:佢個質感係gel狀。加水之後唔會有勁多泡泡(天然野)。隻氣味都好天然,好似d香薰產品嘅氣味,聞落好舒服!我會係落妝後用佢,用完佢之後我覺得塊面唔單只係乾淨咗,仲要係好有光澤!個下真係超有驚喜!掂呀! 最鍾意用完佢之後唔會覺得皮膚好乾!!正!!!我覺得如果你本身無咩黃氣或者皮膚唔係暗, 你唔洗用呢隻洗面,因為佢主要功能係抗氧化。如果你無呢個問題,你用呢隻產品效果唔會明顯。但係如果你好似我咁,皮膚一度潮濕就會有黃同暗呢個問題既話,我就真係好推呢個洗面俾你!用完個下真係叮一聲!哈哈!!

(English:  Product Review:  Its texture is gel form and it doesn’t create a lot of foam after adding water (natural products are usually like this).  The scent is very natural as well, it’s like those aroma scent, quite relaxing!  I use this after removing my makeup and I find my skin is not only clean afterwards, but it’s also very radiant!  I was nicely surprised!!  Fabulous!!  Also, my skin won’t feel dry after using this product – brilliant!  I think if you don’t have dull skin, this product won’t be effective for you (the effect won’t be obvious!).  However, if your skin is kinda like mine that it has that horrible dullness once the weather turns humid, then I would really recommend this cleanser to you!  It is definitely an amazing product for anti-oxidization. *laughs*)

(product information is copied from packaging)

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