[保養] 滋潤但不油膩眼霜 ♥ Aesop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream

我比較少講眼霜,因為要試眼部產品真係要試一段比較長既時間先可以有一個比較全面既review。 好彩我屋企既眼部產品真係唔多,所以可以專心用一隻產品去睇下佢可以改善到d咩眼部問題。嘩,唔覺唔覺我都用咗呢個產品有好幾個月,想同大家分享一下!

(English: It suddenly dawn on me that I haven’t been talking a lot about eye products because it usually takes a longer while to test out the product thoroughly before I could make up my mind on the review. Luckily, I don’t have too many stock at home for eye products, so I could concentrate on using one at a time and see how it goes. Right, it’s been a good few months since I have started using this product and it’s time to share my thoughts with you!)

Aesop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream


價錢(Price): HK$600/ 10ml

Product Information:

“This potent and rich cream is designed specifically for the delicate skin surrounding the eyes. The blend of concentrated botanical extracts in this exceptional product includes Carrot Juice, Lavender, Grapefruit Seed and Chamomile that, in conjunction with Parsley Seed extract, constitute a potent combination suited to all skin types. The inclusion of Sodium Lactate means that this product also possesses very efficient skin tone balancing properties, designed to counteract visible indications of fatigue around the eyes.”


Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):4 months, maybe more

用後感:我一路都好想試呢個眼霜,因為我都聽過唔少好評。 所以上年見有set就買咗! 我記得佢有兩個size,一個係平時eye cream既size (10ml),另一個係face cream既size。 我第一個印象係覺得佢好貴,感覺高過某d大牌既價錢,但係當我一睇到佢有兩個size既時候,我就發覺,佢唔係貴,只不過佢係份量多。 望落去佢係黃黃地既cream狀。質感黎講佢係好實在但係好易推。 初初我見佢個樣好似好潤咁,我都擔心唔知會唔會過潤出粒粒。但係當我搽上眼,佢好易印得開同埋感覺係潤但係一d都唔油膩!! 質感好好。 佢好易俾皮膚吸收,就算用多咗都吸得好好,唔係話好似搽油上眼。 我覺得佢夠潤,但係唔會令你出粒粒,亦都可以改善乾紋。原本我眼肚位有好多細細既乾紋,但係用咗佢一個月就唔見哂。 佢改善乾紋呢個效果真係好讚。 但係如果你話你眼部問題唔係淨係乾咁簡單,可能你想改善眼腫/黑眼圈,呢隻產品唔幫唔到你架!! 如果你話你眼部係比較乾,想買隻眼霜改善乾既情況,我就完全推介呢個 Aesop Eye Cream俾你。但係如果你係想改善眼腫/黑眼圈,我就唔會推呢隻俾你喇!! 仲有,我記得BA話因為呢隻eye cream係佢地全部產品中滋潤力最強既一個產品,所以如果你有其他位置都覺得好乾既話,都可以用呢個產品去改善個d位置。搽得眼既野一定搽得其他地方,放心!! 我自己就好多謝呢個eye cream幫我整走咗d細紋,但係我暫時未必會再回購呢個產品,原因唔係佢唔好用(好好用添),但係我都想試下其他產品,等我又可以同大家分享其他野。

(English: Product Review: I was very curious about this eye cream because I heard so many good reviews on this product, so when I saw a set which included this eye cream last year, I got it to try. I recall that it comes in 2 sizes, one is the normal eye cream size (15ml) and the other one is like a face cream size (60ml?). My first impression was that it was so expensive, but then I realized that it also came with more product, so proportionally speaking, I can’t say that it’s really expensive. It looks yellow in color and cream in texture. The texture looks quite solid but it’s very easy to blend. At first, I thought it would be very moisturizing (in the sense of greasiness), I was worried that if it would create bumps on my delicate areas. When I applied it on my eye areas, my worries were pointless. It was effortless to blend and it didn’t feel greasy at all!!! The texture is just great and it get absorbed into skin really easily. Even though sometimes, my hands got heavy and put more product than I should on the area, it still gets absorbed really well. It’s definitely very moisturizing and you don’t need to worry about any bumps. Prior to using this, I got some tiny fine lines (due to dryness). After using this for 1 month, they all magically disappeared. I am totally amazed by its moisturizing effect. However, if you say you have more problems than dryness (maybe puffy eyes, dark circles), then I can guarantee you that this eye cream is not going to help you with those problems. So my conclusion is that if you solely want to correct the dryness around your eye areas, I would highly recommend this product to you. However, if your problems are more like puffy eyes/ dark circles, then I wouldn’t recommend this to you at all. Also, I remember the BA told me that it could be used on other dry areas on your face or body too because this is the most moisturizing product within all Aesop products. No worries, if it can used on eye areas, it is definitely safe to apply on other areas of your face or body. I should really thank this eye cream for removing my fine lines, but I am not going to repurchase this in the near future, not because it’s not a good product (it’s GOOD!), it’s just that I want to give other products a try so that I could review them for you.)

你地又用緊咩eye cream,覺得點?你地有無邊一隻eye cream想我試同review? 

(English: Which eye cream are you using at the moment and is it effective? Do you have any eye cream in mind that you would want me to try and review?) 

If there is no Aesop counter near your local area and you would like to give this eye cream a go, you could order this website which offer free international shipping: CLICK HERE


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