Adding Something Fun into Your Wardrobe

大家都知我通常著衫都係黑藍灰,好久唔久會有其他顏色,但係唔多。 我覺得黑藍灰係我最常亦都最易襯到既顏色,如果要投資既話,我通常都係投資落呢d顏色度,因為我知我唔會悶。 但係有時著得多某d日子都會想要pop of colour,不過呢d我通常都唔會買貴。 之前入手咗呢件Funday Jumper,一見到就好開心,同大家分享一下。

(English:  Many of you know that my favourite and most worn colours are black, blue and grey.  Very occasionally, I would wear other colours, yea I mean “very occasionally”.  I just think that black, blue, grey are timeless and the most easy ones to mix and match, so when I come to invest in a high-end piece, these are the usual colours that I would go for because I just know that they will be on trend every season/ year.  But sometimes, I do want that pop of colour, and for these situations, I won’t invest too much.  I got this Funday Jumper awhile ago and for some reason, I am happy when I see it, so I decide to share the look with you.)


Photography by MJPhotographyHK

Top: New Look Funday Jumper (link)
Jeans: Zara Slim Boyfriend Jeans
Shoes: Dolce & Gabbana Musical Patch Lace-Up Sneakers (link)
Glasses: Tom Ford TF5400-F
Bracelets: Dinh Van Bracelet & Cartier Love Bracelet (previous video)
Handbag: Celine Nano Luggage (previous video)

件Funday Jumper好薄身,所以秋天就咁著唔會過熱,如果再凍d可以加件外套又唔會過腫。 好鮮艷既顏色加白底黑字令到成件事好搶眼,但係又唔會太多野好眼花。 呢件當然係causal vibe啦,所以我就咁襯牛仔褲同埋sneakers。 對sneakers係D&G,都係好fun,有好多字句同graffiti, 但係因為係白色底,所以個look好clean。 之前有人問我對鞋咁多野會唔會好難襯,我又覺得OK,好似圖中件衫係紅色,對鞋個心心又係紅色,somehow都襯到。 同埋我最常係全黑,黑衫黑褲黑袋,咁呢個咁黑既時候我又會襯呢對sneakers add a pop of colour! 袋我襯左Celine Nano,因為件衫同對鞋已經好多野睇,所以袋可以低調d,同埋我個Celine Nano有唔少量唔同顏色既stitching,啱啱有條紅邊match到又唔會搶咗outfit既風頭。 我好like呢套outfit,因為都係我,但係轉咗色系有多少少新鮮感!

(English:  The Funday Jumper is thin in material, so it’s perfect for Autumn (won’t be too hot) and when it’s a bit more chilly, I can easily throw on a jacket without looking too bulky.  The sharp red colour with black words on a white canvas is brilliant.  It’s eye-catching but it doesn’t give you dizziness.  This number is, of course, a more causal piece, so I just simply match it with jeans and sneakers.  The sneakers are from D&G and they are so fun as well.  They are full of fun wordings and graffiti, but since the base is white, they still offer that clean look.  Someone asked me before whether it’s hard to mix and match this pair of sneakers, I would say no.  The red top in the photo goes with the red hearts on the sneakers, somehow they just sink in together.  Plus, most of the time, I am in all black anyway – black top, black jeans and black bags; when I wear something this black, I will add this pair of sneakers in as a pop of colour and fun!  For the bag, I use Celine Nano this time, because the top and the sneakers are very eye-catching, I don’t need anything else to confuse the focus.  My Celine Nano comes in colourful stitching, and that little bit of red lining is coherent with my outfit.  I really enjoy this outfit because it still screams “very me” but with a twist on the colour scheme.)

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