[化妝] 日本牌子Addiction眼影胭脂篇

之前睇我嘅日本敗家video會發現我買咗幾樣Addiction嘅產品(回顧按此), 我係video話會試色俾大家睇下,我無唔記得咗, 只係我想用多幾日, 咁就可以一次過review埋, 唔洗你地等我咁耐(係咪好貼心呢? 哈哈!)。 而家睇咗d試色圖先丫!

(English:  If you watched my haul from Japan previously, you would notice that I did get a few Addiction items (refresh memory).  I mentioned that I would swatch the products for you and I haven’t forgotten my promise, it’s just that I want to try them out a bit more and so I could add my review here as well, so you don’t have to wait for my reviews for a long time as usual *laughs* (very thoughtful eh?).  Here they come:-)

Addiction Eyeshadow
(Color: Fudge, Morning Moon, Rigoletto & Shangri-la)

價錢(Price):2,100Yen/ color

佢係逐隻色買, 你買夠幾粒, 如果想整齊d, 你可以買個palette砌好d色佢。

(English:  You buy each color.  Once you got a few colors and you love them to look more tidy, then you could buy their palette and fit the colors in.)

Addiction Blush
(Color: No. 08 Aqua Bronze, No. 17 Brilliant Princess & No. 16 Emotional)

價錢(Price):2,940Yen/ color

同眼影一樣, 你買多過一隻色, 你都可以買佢地個palette砌好佢。 我兩個都有買嘅原因係有時一粒粒咁我會唔知放咗係邊又或者唔記得咗自己有咁嘅顏色(你知我屋企有幾多野啦, 但係我又唔係特別好記性)。 所以整好一個個palette咁我就一定會記得喇。

(English:  Same as eyeshadow, when you buy more than 1 color, you could consider getting their palette and tidy them up.  I bought the palettes because very often I lose count of what I have (yea – too many things at home) and sometimes I do tend to forget, so putting them into a palette helps me to keep track of things!)

其實得中間隻色係胭脂, 另外個兩隻都係highlight, 不過我覺得隻色都可以當係眼影底色! 一物兩用。

(English:  Actually only the middle color is a blush color, for the other two, they are more of a highlight/ eyeshadow base color!)

使用次數(No. of Usage): around 1 week

簡單用後感: 眼影胭脂一齊講啦, 因為兩樣其實都係相同嘅野, 只不過係顏色份量唔同。 我去日本之前做過一d research, 我見有人話Addiction同Nars嚟講, Nars好用好多。 我一見呢個comment, 我d火就滅晒。 本身我無特別想去Addiction counter, 但係我買完Three同Laduree之後, 見到佢, 咁我行埋去睇下。 我一玩愛上, 即刻大揀顏色。 我先買胭脂, 之後再買埋眼影唇膏(唇膏我遲少少再講)。 我覺得佢好上色, 我揀個d眼影胭脂全部都有閃底, 但係d粉粒真係好幼細。  佢閃得嚟一d都唔誇張。 仲要我覺得佢係不同嘅光線下都好出色, 佢catch light嘅效果好讚!!  我唔係話Nars唔好, 我都鍾意Nars嘅產品, 但係有時佢d閃粉真係好大粒同埋幾誇下, 反而我覺得Addiction嘅顏色好適合日常嘅妝容。 另外就係佢個highlight顏色, 真係一絕! 用少少係面上已經可以突出輪廓, 又唔會有油光滿面嘅錯覺! 正呀!! 仲要佢地效果好持久!! 我聽聞話佢地嘅底妝產品都好好用, 但係我就無買喇。 下次再去我都會買嚟試下! So far我對佢地嘅產品好評度超高, 我覺得佢地個質量真係做得好好!! 如果你地去日本, 我超建議你去睇睇。 我就一用愛上喇!! 讚讚讚!!

(English:  Quick Review: I will talk about the two products together because they are basically the same thing, just that the colors and the sizes are different.  Indeed, before I went to Japan, I did some research online and a couple people mentioned that they thought Nars was so much better than Addiction.  When I saw that, my temptation was all gone.  So when I got there, I didn’t even think about going to Addiction counter, it just happened that it was close to Three and Laduree and I passed by to take a look.  OMG, I tried the colors on my hand and was impressed, hence the haul.  I first picked the blushes, then eyeshadows, then lipsticks (still trying the lipsticks out)…  They are really pigmented to start with.  For all the colors that I picked, they all have a shimmery base to them.  I have to say the shimmer is REALLY FINE and they are very subtle.  They catch the lights really well and are just simply amazing in different light conditions.  I am not saying Nars doesn’t make great products but sometimes their “glitters” are quite big and bling.  I just feel that Addiction are more suitable for everyday use.  Furthermore, the highlights are really fab!  Only a tiny bit can enhance the face features without making your skin look ridiculously shiny (or oily-looking).  Amazing!!  Also, they all have a wonderful staying power as well.  I heard that their base makeup products are good but I didn’t plan to try them this time (got many foundations, BB creams at home….*laughs*), but next time, I will try them!!  So far, I think Addiction eyeshadows and blushes are amazing and they have really great qualities.  If you are going to Japan, I highly recommend you to check out their products!!  I fall in love with them instantly!!!  Highly recommended!!)

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