A Skincare Oil that I Swear By: Epionce Priming Oil

我相信大家都跟我一樣,護膚油有好多,但真正覺得有效喜歡的就只得一兩枝。 很多人聽到油都會抗拒,我都明白。 曾經我都是一份子。 不過自從用了這枝Epionce Priming Oil之後就一直愛上。 我知道某些你們更稱這枝為神油(笑),想知為什麼就看下去吧!

Many of us have a stock pile of skincare oils at home, but when it comes to the true favourite, there is always just that one or two. When many people hear the word “oil”, they give a despise look. Yea I got it, I was one of them, but after using Epionce Priming Oil, it has become one of my absolute favourites. I know quite a few of you call this oil – The “God Sent” Oil *laughs*, if you want to know why, keep reading.

Epionce Priming Oil 舒緩修復精油
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我喜愛這枝舒緩修復精油的原因好簡單: 它修復性強有保濕效果,最難搞的皮膚它都可以幫忙! 玫瑰痤瘡,濕疹,敏感肌,沙漠肌,燒傷。。。等等都可以,現在你知道為什麼它的外號叫神油啦! 它的用法都很多,可以用它代替面霜,可以加它在精華素/面霜內,可以直接搽在濕疹,燒傷的位置,更可以加在body cream增加滋潤感。 性價比非常高! 我之前玫瑰痤瘡要用激光治療,我都用它當面霜,可以減少復原時間令皮膚穩定。 亦有兩三次煮飯燒傷,直接搽它,半個小時內已經沒有覺得痛,而且燒傷的位置乾得很快,亦很快復原。 店長的囡囡有濕疹,她也長備這枝在家,一發作或者覺得乾就幫囡囡搽。 有一次囡囡的腳狂出濕疹,都是用這枝幫手calm down。 當然這枝神油不是藥,所以不是可以醫好濕疹或其他症狀;但是當有問題的時候,這個確是舒緩修復的好幫手!!

I love this Epionce Priming Oil simply because – its effective repairing and hydrating function. Even the most difficult skin type, it somehow could help like Rosecea, Eczema, sensitive skin type, super dry skin type, burnt…etc. Now you know why it is called God Sent! There are different ways to use this oils well, you can use it as your face moisturizer; or add a small drop into your serums/ face creams; you can apply this directly to Eczema or burnt areas; and you can also add this into your body lotion/ cream to increase the richness. I did have laser treatments a few years back to calm my Rosecea, and I used this as a face moisturiser, it helps minimise the recovery time and stablize my skin. There were few times, I burnt myself during cooking, so I used this oil directly on the affected areas, within 30 minutes, the pain was gone. The said areas heal much quicker after as well. The Shop Manager’s daughter do have Eczema from time to time, so they always have this oil at home just in case of an outbreak. One time, the Eczema came all over the poor kid’s legs, and this oil help to calm the itch and dryness down. Of course, this is not categorised as medicine and it won’t cure the “issues”; but this does come in very handy when you need something to soothe and repair your skin!!


這三年多我都用掉了好幾枝,你就知道我有多愛它! 如果你油性皮膚,我覺得這個直接搽對你真的膩了點,可以加一小滴於你的精華素/面霜會比較易接受。 如果你是混合肌,這個可以用於比較乾的位置。 如果是乾肌的話,那就直接在你精華素之後塗當面霜都可以。 如果你皮膚天生麗質沒大問題,你可以用這個油增加滋潤感,但其他功效你不會有太大感覺。 反而我超級建議問題皮膚試一試,這個已經幫過我,店長囡囡及好多你們,我希望它都可以幫你舒緩/改善皮膚煩惱! Hakme Beauty有售。如果網購的話,可以按此;要到店的話,地址按此

I have used up a few bottles in the past 3 years or so, and that’s a sign of love! If you have oily skin, I think applying directly on skin might be a bit rich for you, you can add a small drop into your serums/ creams instead. If you have combination skin, this can be used directly on the dryer areas. If you have dry skin, you can use this as your moisturiser after applying serums. I have to say if you don’t have much issues with your skin, this oil can add “richness” to your routine but you won’t be able to tell how amazing it is. On the other hand, if you have the said skin issues, it’s definitely worth trying. This oil has helped countless people and I hope that whatever you are going through, this can make it just a bit more bearable for you. It is available at Hakme Beauty. If you want to buy online, click here; if you want to visit our stores, click here.

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