A Scrub that Does Anti-aging: Aquafolia Exfoliant Cell Biotech Probio

磨沙去死皮產品我相信大家用唔少聽唔少,但係又溫和去死皮得黎又有抗老效果嘅我諗大家唔係聽好多。 今日想同大家分享Aquafolia呢個多功能面膜!我哋叫佢燕窩面膜,佢冇燕窩成份但係佢個質哋真係好似燕窩!望下丫。

I think many of you are very familiar with products which remove dead skin, however, not many of you have heard of a product which can remove dead skin gently and has anti-aging function at the same time, right? Today I want to talk to you about this Aquafolia multi-functional mask. We call it bird nest mask, no, it doesn’t contain any bird nest ingredients but its texture looks just like that. Let’s have a look.

Aquafolia Exfoliant Cell Biotech Probio HK$600/30ml



✅Mechanical (biodegradable luffa) and enzymatic exfoliation (pomegranate extract)
✅Diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
✅Brightens up overall skin tone
✅Smooths out skin
✅Hydrating and moisturising


Before & After

平日啲磨沙磨完就過水,呢款有啲唔同。 都係塊面有少少濕嘅狀態底下,搽上去再按30秒至1分鐘,跟住俾佢停留係面上5分鐘先過水。 係呀,唔好即刻按完過水呀,唔係你就嘥咗啲靚嘢喇。 敷埋5分鐘過水效果超正,皮膚輕左因為啲絲瓜同石榴成份幫手喺表層同較深層去晒啲角質。 除咗之後搽嘅野更加吸收之餘,仲會見到皮膚即時無咗啲乾紋,佢入面有wasabi extract做保濕(放心唔辣㗎),亦都有少少油份做翻滋潤,所以點解啲細紋乾紋唔見咗。 雖然佢有滋潤功效,但係佢唔笠,反而過完水之後皮膚係好滑同細緻。 仲要望落皮膚光亮咗,似瞓得夠個效果,唔會再灰灰黃黃。呢個我同我啲同事最變態個期係用嚟磨同敷埋手,因為俾啲磋手液催殘到對手又乾又鞋又暗又多死皮, 所以搵佢急救。 次次敷完都白淨翻同滑翻晒。 呢個咩皮膚都用得,但係如果敏感中嘅baby我唔建議,敏感中你要專心搞好啲敏感先,唔敏感先用。 如果易敏感嘅baby(好似我),有啲擔心要磨,我自己用得無問題,但係我唔會好太力,輕輕力得喇,因為佢入面係絲瓜條,所以唔會𠝹同刺激,你唔好用力過度好似同塊面有仇咁就得喇。 同埋,比較易敏感嘅位置就加多少少水輕輕磨幾下就得,無咁易敏感嘅位置就按多少少,咁就perfect,不過記得要按完hea 5分鐘!! 呢個mask快靚正,你有興趣快啲撳呢條link去望下啦。

Usually for a scrubbing product, you rub and you rinse immediately right? Not this one! Use this on damp face and massage for 30 secs to 1 min, then leave it on for 5 minutes! Yes, DON’T RINSE IT IMMEDIATELY, otherwise, you are missing out all the good stuff. After 5 mins, the result is amazing. Skin feels lighter because the luffa and pomegranate extract inside helps to remove all the dead skin. This certainly helps to increase the absorption of whatever skincare products to be put on face after. Instantly, I see that my fine lines (due to dryness) are gone, it contains wasabi extract (it’s not spicy, no worry) to hydrate and it contains plum oil and jojoba oil to nourish, hence the dryness disappears. Though it’s moisturizing, it’s not greasy, quite on the contrary, skin becomes soft, supple and smooth to touch after use. Plus, skin looks brighter, just like when you wake up from a good night sleep. My colleagues and I even use it on our hands during the desperate times. The story was our hands were tortured by the hand sanitisers (the alcohol ones) and they became dry, rough, dull and flaky. So desperate times, desperate measures, right? We used this on our hands out of emergency and it saved us every time. I would recommend this Aquafolia Exfoliant Cell Biotech Probio mask to all skin types, apart from the ones who are going through skin allergies. If you are experiencing an outbreak of allergies, then concentrate on getting your skin back on track first. You can use this when you recover. As for those babies who have sensitive skin like me, and you might worry about “massaging” your face. Let me tell you, it works fine on me, but remember to be GENTLE! The luffa inside is not irritating, but don’t be forceful with your massage like your face is your enemy. For those areas which are more sensitive, add a bit more water and massage just a few rounds; and concentrate on the areas that are less sensitive. Remember, leave it on for 5 mins after massaging!!! This mask is quick, easy and offers good results, if you are interested, click this link to check it out now.

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