A Protective and Moisturizing Hand Cream with Brightening Function

手霜我諗大家都同我一樣,屋企有無窮無盡咁多,但係真係鍾意嘅少之又少,真係鍾意到用得曬嘅就更加少,一唔係就太笠,一唔係就搽咗好似無搽,一唔係就無乜效果。 總之都係好難揾到心頭好啦。 今日同大家分享下呢一枝功能多多嘅Esterel Protection Hand Cream,我都用咗好耐,但係我都仲係好鍾意,所以介紹俾大家。

I think many of you have quite a few hand creams at home (same as me), however, not many will become a favourite. Some are too thick and greasy, some are too light in texture and some are just a pure waste of time and effort. It’s not easy to find one that actually works and with the right texture. Today I want to talk to you about this multi-functional Esterel Protection Hand Cream, I have been using this for a long time and I am still loving it, so it’s definitely worth a mention here.

Esterel Protection Hand Cream
HK$230/50ml LINK



✅Form a light protective layer to protect hands against aggressors
✅Moisturize hands to prevent extreme dryness
✅Brighten skin tone and fade pigmentation
✅Diminishes lines and smooth skin


先講質感,一唧出嚟係比較杰身,但係一推開佢變成半lotion狀,亦都因為佢推得好開,唔洗用好多(圖中嘅份量)就已經可以搽晒一隻手。因為佢係用shea butter所以佢會有油份,唔止保濕仲可以滋潤對手。 我最記得有一次因為拆貨同埋係咁用酒精磋手液磋手,搞到嗰晚我對手好乾,乾到好似啲婆婆手咁皮同肉差唔多分離,面頭啲皮好皺又乾又鞋,見到都嚇死自己,個晚我就用呢枝Esterel Protection Hand Cream, 第二朝起身對手變翻正常。 我覺得佢滋潤效果好好得黎唔會好肥好笠,推開一陣都吸收咗,掂野都唔會覺得好痴手。 另外佢亦都會形成一層薄薄嘅保護膜係表面(唔笠放心),可以保護住對手。 用咗幾次見到對手好滑,無乜乾紋同埋膚色比較光亮。 佢入面有檸檬精油,所以佢有好香嘅spa味之餘,佢仲可以幫手美白同埋減手上嘅色斑色素,對手成日都要見人又成日都曬到,所以要好好保養,唔係又俾佢出賣年齡呀!! 如果你試過好多hand cream都未揾到心頭好,你要試下呢枝,可能會俾到驚喜你。 有興趣可以撳呢條link去買呀。

First, let’s talk about the texture. It looks quite solid when it’s first squeezed out of the tube, but it turns into half lotion texture once it’s spread out. Since it’s very spreadable, a tiny bit goes a long way (the amount in the photo will be enough for 1 hand). It contains shea butter, so it doesn’t only hydrate, it moisturizes too. Awhile back, I was unboxing some stock and used hand sanitisers (those ones with alcohol) excessively, my hands became so wrinkly, dry and rough. I wasn’t a happy bunny, so that night, I used this Esterel Protection Hand Cream and the next morning, my hands were normal again! This is why I am very confident in its moisturizing function. Also it forms a very thin protective layer on skin against the environmental aggressors, rest assured that it won’t leave a greasy feeling! After a few times’ usage, hands become soft, smooth and brightened up. It contains lemon essential oil, so apart from the very relaxing spa scent, it also helps to brighten skin tone and fades pigmentation. We show our hands in front of others all the time and they are under the sun quite a lot, taking care of them is just our responsibility. No one wants dry and rough hands, right? If you have tried quite a few hand creams and you still can’t find the one that you like, give this one a go, it might just surprise you. If you are interested, click this link to check it out.

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