[保養] 貴婦抗老保濕乳液

近期同d朋友傾開,佢地唔係好著重抗老,原因係佢地覺得佢地重後生,所以咁早搽抗老產品好似好誇張! 我唔建議太早用,因為真係無咁既需要! 但係如果你大概係二十五歲或者打後,你就要用喇,要做好預防措施,先可以幫你好好抗老! 今日要講呢個產品比較係貴婦級,有興趣都可以望下比較下:

(English:  I have been catching up with some friends lately and find that they don’t do much with anti-aging, the reason being is that they think they are still young and it seems to be waste to use anti-aging products so early!  I don’t suggest to use these products so early, because there is really no need!  However, if you are around 25 years old or after, there is a need for you, because it’s better to take the precaution measures, only then you could successfully delay your aging process!  Today I am going to talk about a high end anti-aging product, if you are interested, you can take a look:)




價錢(Price):HK$1,380/ 40ml

Product Information:









(English: “Sisleyouth is THE FIRST anti-ageing treatment to use from the age of 25. It defends the skin’s youth potential thanks to the Pea extract which is rich in peptides.
It combats the first signs of ageing as the Soy peptide extract helps to reduce the first wrinkles and improve the tone of the skin.
It performs an energising action via a powerful cocktail of active ingredients including Kiwi, Ginseng, Buckwheat seed and Ginkgo Biloba extracts which minimises the harmful effects of oxidative stress and fatigue on the skin. Essential oils with stimulating properties provide a fresh, revitalising fragrance.
It moisturises the skin intensely: to maintain moisture at an optimal level for 8 hours, a new natural extract derived from Wheat sugars encourages water to be retained in the stratum corneum.
First wrinkles fade away and fine lines are smoothed. The skin is revitalised, more toned and all its energy is restored.

A fresh and deliciously silky emulsion with a velvety matte finish. Non-comedogenic.”)


Before Blending





使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times (morning and night)

用後感:好多二十令歲既女仔唔用抗老產品既原因都係覺得d產品質地太笠,好多都係滋潤度比較高,所以好易會覺得好油(唔啱香港啦!!)! 呢枝係乳液,唧出黎望落見到佢係實的的既,不過一推開就覺得唔厚,同埋佢係超快吸收,所以一d都唔會笠! 如果你唔係特別乾既皮膚,基本上佢已經係面霜,但係如果你好乾,咁你可以等佢吸咗之後上面再搽少少cream! 我覺得佢既吸收度令我好滿意,你知啦,夏天又黎緊,最怕d野痴笠笠! 吸完之後會覺得塊面有滋潤感得黎又好輕身,同埋搽完佢第二日起身都覺得塊面好滑,唔乾,同埋仲係好有彈性。 如果你塊面已經開始有少少乾紋細紋,你用左一個星期到都會見到又減淡既跡象。 但係如果你話你d紋好深呢,咁你就要d再勁d既產品先得喇! 佢都有香味既,如果你唔係太喜歡d產品有陣香味,呢個產品未必啱你,因為佢隻味都少少勁。 但係如果你話你唔介意產品有陣香味, 呢枝產品都係一個好好既選擇! 當然啦,佢係貴婦級品牌,亦都唔係人人想俾咁既價錢,但係我覺得如果你有咁既budget又想揾枝好用又唔笠既抗老產品,你可以去佢地counter玩下睇下你鍾唔鍾意! 我自己就覺得效果滿意,佢個texture亦都好啱而家潮濕同黎緊夏天用呢!

(English:  Product Review: I think many of the reason why people in their 20s don’t want to use anti-aging products is mainly because of the texture!  Most anti-aging products have a heavier texture and sometimes they are just too oily on our skin (right, not suitable for the HK weather!!)!  This is called an emulsion/ lotion, when it’s pumped out, the texture is quite solid, but it doesn’t feel heavy after blending and the best part is that it gets absorbed into skin really quickly!!  If your skin is not too dry, this is basically your moisturizer; however, if you have really dry skin, you can put some cream after using this product!  The absorption rate is great – as you know it’s quite humid these days and we are approaching Summer time, I just can’t stand anything that’s too heavy.  After it gets absorbed, skin feels moisturized yet light!  The next day, I feel that skin is smooth, moisturized (still) and quite bouncy!  If fine lines have already invaded your face, you will notice them fading away after 1 week’s usage; but if you have deeper lines, then you will need something a bit stronger!  The product itself contains a scent, so I would say that really depends on your personal taste.  You probably don’t enjoy it if you don’t like scented products, but if you don’t mind, then I think it’s a really good product for you!  Of course, Sisley is always a high end brand and not everyone wants to pay this sort of price.  Well, my thought is that if you have the budget, and you are looking for something effective and good to add to your anti-aging routine, you can definitely drop by their counter and see if you like the texture and scent!  I personally like this as I feel that the texture is perfect for this humid weather and the Summer to come!!)



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