[保養] 清涼醒神收毛孔Peppermint Toner

我最唔鍾意既潮濕天氣又黎喇!! 真係諗起都覺得好悶! 呢d天氣皮膚最易狂出油同埋毛孔容易變得好粗大! NOT GOOD!! 所以我又不斷試下唔同既產品睇下有無野可以幫手改善下呢個清況同埋帶d清新咁俾大家! 哈!! 試咗一大堆野之後覺得呢樣好值得同大家分享一下:

(English:  I really hate humidity and I can’t believe that we are experiencing that seriously now!  Everytime when I come to think about it, it bores me!!  I hate this kind of weather because usually skin would secrete way more oil and the pores are becoming so obvious!!  NOT GOOD!!!  So I have been trying a bunch of different things to see if there is anything that can help the situation and maybe bring a hint of freshness to you all!  Ha, after consistently trying for awhile, I found this amazing product:)

Suti Peppermint Water Organic Facial Toner

價錢(Price):HK$280/ 100ml

Buy from: 黑咪小店/email at hakmebeauty@hotmail.com

Product Information:

Energetic Intention: Awaken

“Known as ’wake-up’ water, this cooling, revitalising herbal water instantly soothes, awakens the senses and uplifts the emotions.

Made simply with certified organic Peppermint leaves, Peppermint Water Facial Spritz primes the skin perfectly after cleansing, helping to calm irritated, inflamed and blemished complexions.

A handbag and holiday ‘Must Have,’ be it for the beach or boardroom, a handy spritz of Suti’s Peppermint Water instantly revitalises a tired mind and body, balances sensitive, oily, inflamed skin and delivers immediate skin-quenching goodness to freshen up the dull, awaken the tired and nourish the parched. Gentle for all skin types including oily and combination skin.

Directions: Spritz over face and neck and gently press into skin, alternatively spritz onto cotton pad and apply following cleansing in the evening or anytime your skin needs rehydrating.

Please note from time to time a sediment may appear due to the natural properties of the Water.”

Made in UK

係噴噴頭,超方便!! 近期真係愛上噴噴咀! 係屋企公司或者出街用都好方便丫!

(English:  It’s a spray head, super convenient!!  I really fall in love with the spray heads these days, it’s just so convenient to use when you are at home/ at work/ on the street!!)


When it’s fresh out from the bottle

After some padding and absorption

使用次數(No. of Usage):2 weeks

用後感: 又一多用途產品,等我逐樣講! 佢係toner黎既,所以係水狀,好易吸收亦都一d都唔笠! 第一,佢可以幫助收細毛孔,用法係噴係兩張cotton pad,噴濕完之後濕敷係毛孔粗大既位置大約10分鐘,當中會覺得涼涼地感覺超舒服,敷完之後會見到毛孔變得無咁明顯(開心),之後再搽自己既精華moisturizer就可以喇。 當然你唔可以expect佢效果超持久啦,但係持續用係對收細毛孔好有幫助!!超掂,我次次敷完個下都超開心! 第二,佢有幫助鎮靜皮膚/幫助皮膚降溫既功效! 即係話有時你曬親紅晒,你可以噴係紅咗既位幫你降溫,或者你比野咬,又紅又腫,你又可以噴喇,仲有,有時無啦啦可以出d紅粒又好痕既,個位又會覺得熱熱地,都可以噴下,我試過真係過咗一陣就唔痕同埋個位無咁熱! 正正正! 仲有就係佢都好保濕,久而久之你用得多既時候,皮膚都唔會咁多油(因為夠水麻)! 哈哈,我仲有另外一個秘密用法,有時係公司食完飯咪好眼瞓(但係又唔瞓得啦),咁我就會用佢噴下塊面,佢陣peppermint味好醒神好refresh,同埋我又當幫下塊面保濕同定妝,一舉幾得!!! 好掂!! 超推丫!! 價錢又唔貴,我超recommend大家試下!!

(English:  Product Review:  Another multi-functional product and let me introduce the function one by one!  It’s a toner so it looks and feel watery, it’s really easy to absorbed and it doesn’t feel heavy on skin!  First, it helps to minimize pores, the method to use is to spray on the cotton pads, and then put the cotton pads on the “target areas” for 10 mins.  You will feel the cooling effect and after 10 mins, you will see that the pores are less visible (happy moment!!).  After that, you just need to use your own serum and moisturizer!  Of course you can’t expect your pores are going to disappear forever, but keep using this definitely helps in the long run!!  Brilliant!  I have to say I am happy everytime after using this!  Second, it helps to calm skin down/ lower the temperature on skin!  That means if you get sun burnt, you can spray on the area, or if you get some bug bites, you can use it on the area.  Oh and sometimes, you get heat spots and they look red and itchy, you can use this on the area as well.  I have tried this and it does calm down my skin and the spots die quicker and skin won’t feel that itchy!  Wonderful!!!  Also, it’s really hydrating, so when you use this on a regular basis, your skin will be hydrated and your skin won’t secrete much oil (due to enough hydration in your skin)!!  Oh and I do have another secret usage: you know usually everyone feels quite sleepy after lunch when they are at work (and nah, you can’t sleep), I would use this to spray my face, my peppermint scent is awakening and fresh, and also, it helps to moisturize my face and keep my makeup looking fresh – quite a few things done with just a couple spray!!  I highly recommend this as the price is reasonable and it’s a great product to use during Spring and Summer time!!)

黑咪Hakme Beauty店
地址 (Address): 銅鑼灣希慎道8號裕景商業中心3樓365-367號 (No. 365-367, 3/F, Eton Tower, No. 8 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
電話 (Tel): 2877 4700
營業時間 (Open Hours): 星期一至日中午12點到晚上8點 (Mon – Sun 12noon – 8pm)
付款方法 (Payment Options): EPS & Cash (唔收$1000紙 – No HKD1000 note)

或郵寄∕太古MTR∕沙田第一城站交收。 Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com
(Or by post, face trade at Taikoo MTR/ Shatin Cityone Stop.  Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com)


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