[化妝] Urban Decay Naked Smoky

好啦,Urban Decay又出新眼影組,所以我都要入下手! 今次仲要係Naked Smoky版,係有d興趣。 其實我初初見到d顏色個陣,我介乎於心動同唔心動之間,因為我眼望覺得佢係Urban Decay Naked 1 + 2 + Naked Basics。 本身我諗住佢好快會斷貨,所以我無急住去,我上星期諗住隨緣,如果有貨就買啦。 哈,有喎,咁就入手同大家分享一下。

(English:  Great, another new eyeshadow palette from Urban Decay, I was tempted!  This time is something related to Naked and Smoky.  When I first saw this online, I was in between “Yea” and “Nah” because my first reaction was that it looked very much like a combination of Naked 1 + 2 + Naked Basics.  I also thought that they would be out of stock very quickly, therefore I didn’t go on the first day of launch, I waited till last week and thought, “if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be!”  Oh yea, they got some in stock and that’s why this post was born!”)

Urban Decay Naked Smoky Palette


(English:  They have changed the packaging and this time the box is magnetic and I’m liking it!)

入面都係有12隻色既眼影啦。 左1-3 (High, Dirtysweet & Radar) 比較warm比較大地,左4-6 (Armor, Slanted & Dagger) 就比較cool tone,灰系,左7 (Black Market) 係黑色,帶dd珠光,左8 (Smolder) 就係深紫色,我覺得呢個顏色好靚好型,左9-12 (Password, Whiskey, Combust & Thirteen) 就係無閃底既顏色。

(English:  There are 12 colors inside and left 1-3 (High, Dirtysweet & Radar) are more of a warm color and more of a earthy tone, left 4-6 (Armor, Slanted & Dagger) are definitely cool tone and more on the grey side, left 7 (Black Market) is a black with a hint of pearly shimmers, left 8 (Smolder) is an aubergine purple which is very pretty and cool, left 9-12 (Password, Whiskey, Combust & Thirteen) are matte colors.)


用後感: 我玩完一輪覺得佢既粉質同以前Naked Palette有少少唔同。 呢盒既大部份顏色都好出色,但係質感無以前咁buttery(如果你有Naked 1又有呢盒,你應該會知我講咩),我覺得無以前咁cream,呢堆color有少少乾身,不過都上色呀,除左Black Market,Password同Combust之外,呢幾隻係要build兩三次,無其他顏色一畫就出色。 OK既,因為你可以就你既look去adjust個深淺度。 眼影質數方面係good既! 如果就顏色黎講,雖然我望落好似Naked1 + 2 + Basics既組合,但係我比較過,望落係似,但係真正出黎既顏色係有唔同(深淺既唔同或者係帶既tone唔同)。 香港人好少化smoky eyes,所以我唔肯定你對呢個palette幾有興趣(可能你聽到個名都驚咗)。 我自己就覺得咁,呢個palette係可以做兩大類既look,一款係Smoky(可以襯唔同色既Smoky),另一款係大地系自然look。 如果你根本唔會點化smoky,我覺得你可以就咁買 Naked 1-3(按link),但係如果你會化下smoky又會化下natural既look,呢盒都好實用(兩邊都有)。 我自己兩邊都會化,所以我覺得呢盒Naked Smoky對我黎講實用度好高~ 不過好個人啦,如果真係唔會化smoky既我就覺得你唔洗浪費金錢,反而投資係一d你會成日用得著既palette好過。

(English:  Product Review:  After playing with it for awhile, I feel that the texture of the eyeshadows are a bit different than those in the Naked series before.  Many are still pigmented but somehow they don’t feel as buttery as before (If you have Naked 1 and you have this, I think you will know what I am trying to say), I think these are less creamy and a bit dry to touch.  They are still pigmented apart from Black Market, Password and Combust, these you need to build the intensity.  They are still fine in the sense that you can adjust the intensity according to your look that you are trying to achieve.  So overall, the quality is good.  Moving onto the colors, though with the first glance, it reminded me of Naked1 + 2 + Basics combination, I have compared each color and the true colors are definitely different (either the depth of colors or the tone is).  Ladies in HK seldom go for smoky eyes, so I am not really sure how much interest you have on this palette (maybe you got scared by the name already).  I personally think this palette can achieve 2 major looks: 1. Smoky Eyes with different combination of colors; 2. Natural Eyes.  If you don’t like anything that smoky, this is definitely not for you and you can opt for anyone of the Nakeds (link).  On the other hand, if you would do both smoky and natural, then this one is a practical one for you.  Since I do both looks from time to time, I can see myself reaching for this palette quite a bit.  Again, it’s very personal when it comes to makeup, but my advice is that if your smoky look is once in a blue moon, there is no reason for you to waste money on this, you probably are better off investing in a palette which you will use most of the colors on a daily basis.)”




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