[化妝] Laura Mercier Eye Art Artist’s Palette

Laura Mercier久唔久會出下呢d 12個色既眼影,但係我一路都無入手。 主要係我次次瞓醒個陣都miss左,上次summer嗰個我都好想買,但係搞搞下完全唔記得咗。 哈哈~~~ 所以佢聖誕呢個我唔可以miss。 成功入咗手,所以今日俾d spotlight佢。

(English:  Laura Mercier does release these kinds of 12 color palettes from time to time and I don’t own one.  The main reason was that by the time I woke up to the news, I missed the period already.  Like last summer, they released one which was more earth-tone but yet again I forgot to check it out *laughs*.  So this time I said to myself I had to remember (even set a reminder on my calendar).  Yea I got one successfully so today’s spotlight is on this:)

Laura Mercier Eye Art Artist’s Palette




我覺得上行感覺cool tone少少而下行就比較warm tone少少。 我幾鍾意呢個palette因為佢顏色唔係太過大地色系。 呢個多d紫色,有少少變化。 佢閃同唔閃既色都有,而佢閃既顏色都係珠光感,唔係真係好大粒閃粉,所以一d都唔誇張。 大家可以mix and match。 試色圖入面,係我畫咗2-3下既顏色,所以話好好好出色,又唔算,但係絕對係可以build up既顏色。 粉質方面又好幼細,好creamy同埋好滑,好易blend,所以quality係good。 我覺得呢個palette秋唔秋冬都用得到,佢比較淺既顏色係春夏用都係大路色調。 至於值唔值得買,我覺得佢既質數係好,顏色都唔錯,唔太誇張,好多人都會用得著呢d顏色,如果你唔想要一個palette淨係earth tone,但係又唔好偏離太遠(驚d太誇用唔到),我覺得呢個palette都係一個good choice。 價錢黎講都算大牌中比較實惠既一個,講X’mas氣氛顏色,佢真係唔係太X’mas,不過我就覺得實用囉~~

(English:  I feel that the upper row is more of cool tone and the lower row is more of warm tone.  I quite like this palette because the colors are not solely based on earth tone colors.  This one consists more of purple shades and that makes the difference.  It comes with both shimmer and non-shimmer eyeshadows.  For the shimmer colors, they are more of a pearly finish instead of big chunk of glitters, so no worries on being over the top.  You definitely can mix and match the colors.  For the swatches, they are the results of 2-3 strokes, so I won’t say it’s highly highly pigmented, but they are definitely buildable.  For the eyeshadow quality, they are finely milled, very creamy and smooth to touch and easy to blend, so they are definitely on the good side.  I think this palette is an all season palette because for those lighter colors, you can definitely use them during Spring and Summer.  Well, is it worth it?  I think the quality is good, color combination is nice and many people should be able to pull these colors off.  If you want a palette that doesn’t only contain earth tones, but doesn’t go too far off (coz you might worry about those crazy colors), then this is a good choice.  Price-wise, I think it’s one of those reasonably priced ones among the “big” brands, if you want something very luxurious/ X’mas-y, it’s not, but I think this is leaning on the practical side of things~~~)

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