Urban Decay x Gwen Stefani Eyeshadow Palette

呢個palette我係香港未出個陣已經上網係Selfridges買左。 啱啱睇到香港都出左喇,所以趁新鮮同大家分享下啦。

(English:  I got this palette from Selfridges online before it was released in Hong Kong.  I just saw an advert announcing that it’s now available here in Hong Kong, so I thought it would be good to share my thoughts while it’s still hot.)

Urban Decay x Gwen Stefani Eyeshadow Palette


(English:  I am not sure how much Hong Kong is selling this for.  The price on Selfridges is HK$395, however they would charge you HK$300 for shipping, so if you want this alone, it wouldn’t be worth your while, but if you have other items that you want to buy or combine your order with your friends, then it might work out to be beneficial.)


成個palette有15個色。我初初聽到Urban Decay同Gwen crossover,我仲諗可能佢d顏色會係好狂野, 點知出黎個palette既顏色大部份都好”正常”。 包裝方面我覺得好靚同好實正,成個palette唔算過大。 上色度都係good,有少少飛粉,同埋我覺得深色既比淺色上色。粉質一般黎講都幼細,但係Pop同Harajuku係一粒粒閃粉底,所以呢兩個顏色摸落係粗d。 成個palette有閃,珠光同埋唔閃既顏色組合。Punk,Anahem,Stark,Zone同埋Blackout都係唔閃。 成個palette我都覺得係比較大地色系tone多d,上兩行都係好實用,一般日子都用得到既顏色。 最下面個行係有少少變化,有兩個好閃粉底既眼影,一個藍一個金黃色同埋一個實黑色。 如果想有少少變化既日子都有個選擇。 用落我唔覺得呢個palette令我好驚喜或者愛不釋手,我諗原因係我覺得佢似係Naked另加兩三個其他顏色俾你。感覺上係普通左少少。 實用係實用既,因為好多色都唔難用,但係如果你已經有Naked或者好多大地色系既眼影,你唔會覺得好期待好想用呢盒眼影。 另一方面,如果你少呢類型既顏色,你可能會覺得呢個係一個唔錯既選擇。

(English:  The whole palette is consisted of 15 colours.  When I first hear the crossover between Urban Decay and Gwen, I somewhat expect the colours to be a bit more crazy and out there.  Nope, it turns out that the colours are very on the “normal” side.  For the packaging, I like how sleek, how sturdy it is and it’s not crazily bulky.  The pigmentation is good for most of the shadows, there are a bit of flyaway and I feel that the darker colours are slightly more pigmented than the lighter colours.  The powder is generally finely milled, however for Pop and Harajuku, these are more of a glittery base, so they do feel rough to touch.  The palette also comes with both glittery, shimmery and matte eyeshadows.  Pink, Anahem, Stark, Zone and Blackout are matte.  I feel that there is an earthy theme to this palette, the upper two rows are very practical for daily use.  The bottom row offers a bit of a change because it has two glittery based eyeshadows, 1 blue, 1 golden yellow and 1 solid black.  I think it’s nice when you want to have a bit of change from time to time.  So far, I don’t think this palette is totally amazing or exciting for me.  I think it’s because I feel this is more like Naked + a few other colours. I have to say the content is quite ordinary.  Yep it’s practical because many of the colours are easy to handle.  However, if you already own Naked or other earth tone colours, I don’t think this hugely excites you.  On the other hand, if you don’t have much of these colours, you probably would find this one quite useful.)

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