YSL Touche Eclat Blur Primer


(English:  I got this product for awhile, while I was on the topic of YSL products last week, I thought some of you might be interested in this particular primer as well.  So, here you go.)

YSL Touche Eclat Blur Primer


HK$450/ 30ml


用後感:佢呢枝係化妝底霜,有遮毛孔同遮細紋既功效。 佢入面有金色既金粉,以光學原理優化肌膚質感。 買既時候BA有同我講過唔好用太多份量,唔係會覺得笠。 唧出黎係gel狀,好易推得開,推開左皮膚表面變得好平滑同細緻,毛孔真係無咁覺眼。 而推開左之後亦覺得佢既金粉唔誇張,係好疏離咁留係皮膚表面。如果之後上左粉底,根本唔會覺得好金粉。 BA講得啱,真係笠呀! 我平日都有用開呢d滑底既打底霜,用完之後會感覺到有一層滑既東東留係皮膚表面,但係唔會覺得笠。 反而呢隻我用好少份量,我覺得佢有d厚同埋有痴笠笠個感覺。 乾既天氣或者皮膚用都仲可以,但係濕既天氣或者皮膚易出油既話就真係一般,因為個妝會溶得快左。值唔值得買,我覺得市面有其他產品做類似效果,但係質感就俾呢隻輕身,所以我唔覺得大家一定要買。

(English:  Product Review: This is a makeup base which is used to hide pores and fine lines.  It contains some golden glitters, therefore it’s supposed to give you a glowy complexion as well.  When I made my purchase, BA did tell me not to use a lot because I probably would feel heavy.  When it’s squeezed out of the bottle, it’s of a gel texture.  It’s easy to spread, after that skin becomes very smooth and nice, and they are right about “hiding the pores”.  Also the glitters are not over the top, they just land sporadically on skin.  If you use a foundation after, you probably don’t see very much of the glitters.  Guess what, BA was right too, it feels heavy on skin.  I had been using primers with similar functions, yes I did feel there was a film left on skin after spreading, but they were never sticky and heavy.  For this, even I use a tiny amount and I still feel the heaviness on skin.  It would work for dry weather or dry skin, but when it’s humid or for oily skin types, this is not the best primer in the sense that it speeds up the melting of the makeup on face.  Worth to buy?  Nah, not this one.  There are other primers with similar functions in the market and I wouldn’t urge you to hurry for this.)

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