The New Fragrance | Chanel Boy Chanel

手袋有Boy Chanel,而家香水都有Boy Chanel。 我一見到就已經心動,因為係我心目中手袋既Boy真係好型,型得黎有少少feminine,好適合modern women硬朗既形象! 咁我諗香水版都應該有呢個感覺!


(English:  There is a Boy Chanel in the handbag range and now there is a Boy Chanel in the perfume range.  When I saw the name, I was already tempted, because the handbag Boy Chanel is on the cool side with a hint of femininity, I think it’s perfect for modern women.  Well, and my best guess is that the perfume would carry the same image across!)

Chanel Boy Chanel

HK$3,250/ 200ml



Boy Chanel呢個inspiration係女仔朝早起身著咗男友件衫!感覺健康但係性感。 Boy Chanel有較多既木味,我覺得整體感覺係woody,比較中性,但係又帶有少少feminie既味道!  我好鍾意隻味,我覺得好特別,唔太女性化但係就有種型格係入面。 如果喜歡woody味道既朋友不妨去聞聞! 另外,佢呢隻香水超級持久,last一日無問題!!


(English:  Boy Chanel’s inspiration comes from woman walks up in the morning and put on her boyfriend’s shirt.  Healthy and sexy!  Boy Chanel is quite woody, neutral but with a hint of femininity!  I personally love this scent, I find it rather intriguing because it somehow is very sophisticated.  If you enjoy woody scents, I would really recommend you go sniff this!  Plus, its scent lasts a whole day without any issue!!)


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