我係美國個陣成日都會見到佢地有d字句好抵死, 例如: “Everytime when you open your mouth, something stupid comes out!”. 係香港呢d就真係少見左, 不過我上個weekend行過銅鑼灣HMV比我見到有d badges, 上面寫左d搞笑野, 我影左幾張相, 趁weekday悶悶地, 等我娛樂下大家先:
(English: When I was in the states, I often came across some phrases that were really funny, like “Everytime when you open your mouth, something stupid comes out!”. In Hong Kong, I don’t see these interesting phrases very often. Last weekend, I dropped by HMV in Causeway Bay and saw some badges with funny phrases on them. Well, let me post them here to entertain everyone since we all get bored on a weekday @ work right?)
你地最鍾意邊個? 我就覺得最得意既係: “I’m Not Weird, I’m Limited Edition.”喇. 見到都想笑.
(English: Which one is your favourite? Mine is “I’m Not Weird, I’m Limited Edition.” Next time when someone calls me weird, I’d probably say that to them *laughs*.)