有一樣野真係用左兩次都未寫過, 原因係我醒唔起要寫, 於是到用完個下諗, “下次再買過先寫.” 好喇, 幾個月前買左翻黎, 我用左一大半先突然諗起要寫wor, 唔係又唔知等幾時. 之後我就好快手咁趁碌出街前整左個short & sweet既video. 如果你有興趣搵隻好潤既潤咀膏, 咁你就要睇呢個video喇:
(English: There was one item which I bought twice but hadn’t even write about it. Why? It was because I was so consumed in using it that I totally forgot about the writing part. Well, it wasn’t until I finished the first tube, I realized that next time when I got this product again, I had to do a write-up on it asap. Story kinda repeated itself. I got my second tube and when I was half way through the tube, I suddenly recalled that I had to share my comments, otherwise, you might all have to wait forever. Thus, I took the opportunity to make a short and sweet video just before I had to go hang out! If you are interested in looking for a very moisturizing lip balm, this video is for you:)