
上年係IPSA度放低左幾次錢, 有d產品我就今年先開黎用.  其中一樣我就用左兩個月度, 佢就係:

(English:  Last year, I hauled a few times at IPSA.  In fact, I just started to use some of the items.  I have been using one of them for around 2 months and it’s:)
IPSA Sun Protector SPF30 PA+++ 清爽水凝防曬日霜
價錢 (Price): HK$300/ 30ml
Product Information:


(English:  It protects skin from UV rays’ damage.  It hydrates and it’s light in texture, can be used as a makeup remover.)

Texture:使用次數 (No. of Usage): 2 months (use daily)

用後感:  佢個texture好好, 係比較light既lotion狀.  超級易推同埋吸收.  吸左入皮膚之後一d都唔會覺得chi lup lup!  你見佢隻色好白, 搽左上面係會白左dd, 但係唔係好明顯白得好得人驚個隻, 只係感覺bright up左, 唔錯.  最正係佢可以搽埋係眼位, 可以保護眼周圍既肌膚之餘, 又唔洗特登買過第二隻野搽眼, 好方便.  因為佢既質地好清爽, 所以唔洗驚話出粒粒.  另外佢仲有個好處, 就係可以當埋makeup base喇, 如果你唔需要特別控油既話, 用佢都makeup base都幾好, 防曬+makeup base一次過搞掂, 唔洗搽咁多野上塊面度.  但係如果你本身皮膚比較油, 我suggest你都係要買另一隻比較控油既makeup base好d.  用左佢, 我無咩曬黑到, 就算我去左遊船河,第二日都無覺得黑左, 正呀!  Overall, 我好鍾意IPSA呢隻產品, 方便有效又清爽, 好suitable for夏天!  推呀!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  Its texture is great, it’s a very light lotion form, super easy to blend and absorb.  When it’s absorbed into skin, it doesn’t feel heavy/ greasy at all!  You can see its color is white, when it’s applied on skin, it helps to brighten up face without turning skin into horrible sheet white color.  Nice!  The most superb quality about this sunscreen is that you can use it on your eye areas too!  It helps protect the eye areas and you don’t need to spend extra on another product just for the eye areas.  Very convenient!  Also, its texture is so light, you don’t need to worry about acne or anything like that.  Another good point is that it can be used as a makeup base given that your skin is not oily.  It’s wonderful that it’s a sunscreen and makeup base in one and you don’t need to apply a whole lot of products on your face before heading out to work in the morning.  However, if your skin is oily, I would suggest you buy another oil control makeup base.  So how about its sunscreen function?  Fantastic is the answer.  My skin hasn’t been darkened at all.  Even when I went on a boat, my skin tone stayed the same on the next day!  Good stuff!  Overall speaking, I really love this product.  It’s convenient, effective and light.  I find it very suitable for summer use!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.hk-ipsa.com)

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