Love or Hate: Bioderma Atoderm Ultra-rich Foaming Gel

今年2月個陣敗左一d for sensitive skin既產品, 如果你有睇我之前d video都應該記得我敗左兩樣Bioderma既野.  過左成5個月, 都係時候分享下我覺得點喇.  今次講左佢既洗面野先, 下次再講佢個保濕mask啦:

(English:  Last Feb, I hauled some skincare products for sensitive skin, if you watched my earlier videos, you should be able to recall that I got some Bioderma products.  5 months have passed and it’s time for review again.  I am going to talk about their cleanser first and then their mask in another time.)

價錢 (Price): HK$148/ 500ml (Not counter price, I got this from Aroma Natural @ Beverly Island, Causeway Bay)

Product Information:

“專為乾性及濕疹肌膚而設的潔膚 喱


“• Formulated with purifying active ingredients, Atoderm Ultra-rich foaming gel combats the proliferation of micro-organisms, irritant elements responsible for aggravating skin dryness.

• The ultra-rich soap-free washing base, the physiological pH, the absence of preservative and fragrance respect the integrity of the skin and guarantee optimum tolerance.”)


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 3 months

用後感:  初初買呢枝野我係覺得佢個價錢好吸引, 百令蚊有咁大枝真係好抵用.  初初用, 頭個星期我都覺得唔錯.  佢係gel狀, 一d都唔厚身, 加水都起到泡泡 (要用起泡網d泡再勁d).  用完佢洗面再過水感覺好乾淨同好清爽, 但係又唔會覺得好乾.  本身我都以為佢係好野.  但係過多一個星期, 我就覺得塊面越洗越乾, 於是我轉用另一隻洗面睇下會唔會好d, 一轉之下就發現原來係關呢枝野事.  我係乾性皮膚, 初初用就覺得無野, 但係用落真係覺得皮膚比平時乾, 唔掂wor, 佢仲話係for乾性皮膚添.  我有另一個friend都用緊佢, 佢就覺得好好用, 因為佢係combination skin.  我諗如果你係combination/ oily skin type, 呢隻野for你應該幾好用同work, 但係for dry skin type, 我就覺得佢唔夠保濕, 會扯乾皮膚.  我用左佢3個月, 都仲有大半枝, 而家我用佢黎沖涼 (哈哈, 唔好waste野ma), 差唔多用完喇.  用完我當然唔會再買啦, 同我d皮膚唔係好夾.

(English:  After-use Comment:  When I first saw this item, I thought the price tag was very attractive.  When I started using it for the first week, I thought it was a great product.  It’s of a gel form, it’s not heavy at all and it generates a reasonable amount of foam when water is added (better to use those foam generator).  After rinsing, I could feel my skin was very clean and refreshed.  I thought I had an amazing product!  However, after another week, I started noticing my skin was drier than before.  Therefore, I tried switching to another cleanser instead.  After switching, my skin went back to normal and I knew that it had something to do with this particular cleanser.  I have dry skin, at first, it worked fine on my skin.  However, the long I use it, the drier my skin is.  Not good.  I have another friend who is using this cleanser as well, but she has combination skin, she thought this was a brilliant product.  So, the conclusion is it works better on combination or oily skin types, however, for dry skin, it might do you more harm than good as it dries out skin constantly.  I had been using it for 3 months and there was still a good amount left.  I now using it as a shower gel (in order not to waste the product) and the good news is I almost use it up!  Yay!!  Of course this is NOT going to be on my re-stock list as I don’t like the drying effect on my skin.)

(the above product information is extracted from &

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