Online Goodies @

好耐都無係淘寶敗過家. 淘寶D野都真係平, 如果有心機揀都應該會尋到寶.  可惜丫, 返左咁耐工, 越做越忙, 除左寫blog之外, 而家少左上網睇野好多lu (個人都變得越黎越唔update!)哈哈!!

(English:  It’s been quite a while since I last visit  Honestly, I think the stuff on are very reasonably priced.  If you have time on your hand and you have patience, you should be able to get some goodies.  However, I don’t have that luxury since I started working again.  My job now takes up most part of my life.  Apart from writing my blog, I haven’t been online that much lately (well and I sense that I have become outdated). Haha.)

前兩日同個同事傾開, 佢呢期中左淘寶毒, 我見佢買左幾件衫d料都OK, 就問佢係邊間shop買.  佢比左個store名我, 我又去淘下喇.  咁做慳翻好多時間, 唔洗自己大海撈針咁陰公.

(English:  A few days ago, me and my colleague were chit chatting.  She got poisoned by  I saw the quality of the clothes that she ordered was fine and I asked her from which store she got them.  She gave me the name of the store and I went on there myself and locate the goodies.  It saves me so much time when I get a referral like this, at least I don’t have to slowly search and screen the million items out there – what a pain!)

我敗左4件衫, 計埋運費都係316人仔, 抵丫!

(English:  I got 4 tops and including postage, it was RMB316 – very reasonable!)

夏天衫黎講我真係唔會買得貴, 無袖又薄, 洗兩洗都唔似樣喇.  我一定唔會俾幾百蚊去買件夏天衫.  冬天當然就唔同啦我都係冬天會敗多d家既人黎.  化妝品d色又襯我d, 塊面又可以搽多d野, d衫同鞋又型d.  夏天唔敗咁多家都係good既, 留翻秋冬再出山!  呵呵~

(English:  I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t spend too much on a summer piece of clothing, it usually doesn’t have sleeves, it’s thin and it cannot stand the turbulence of the washing machine.  Given those reasons, I seldom pay top money for a summer piece of clothing.  I feel like I usually spend more during winter times, at least the makeup colors suit me better, my skin can absorb more skincare, the fashion items usually look more cool!  Well, it’s a good thing that I don’t spend too much in the summer time, I save it till autumn/ winter!  Haha!)

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