數數下我屋企真係多左好多toner. 每隻既function都有少少唔同. 我覺得我今個夏天多左用toner (你地都知我平時唔用ga啦), 可能真係太熱所以想用d水水既野! 哈哈. 睇下我點用唔同既toner啦! Enjoy~~
(English: 1, 2, 3…I have many more toners at home these days and each one of them is different. I feel that I have been using more toners this summer (well you know that I could live without one), well, my excuse is that it’s too hot and it makes me feel good to use things that are watery on my skin! Haha…let’s see how I use each one of them! Enjoy~~)