每年既秋冬我都會好開心, 因為又可以買靚衫. 全部我鍾意既野都係秋冬出現, 所以每年既秋冬我都會做好破財既準備. 但係我覺得今年既秋裝就無咩特別, 同埋款式黎講我都唔係咁鍾意. 雖然我行街都買到下野, 但係同過往相比, 真係無得比呀! 有d好普通既衫出街買又太貴, 我就諗, 如果無咩特別既話, 不如係淘寶買啦.
(English: I am usually very happy when it comes to Autumn/ Winter time, that means I could shop all the pretty clothes! Autumn/ Winter clothes offer everything I love, therefore, I always prepare to go broke in those seasons. However, I feel that this year is not the same! For the Autumn clothes, I hardly find anything I really like. I still managed to get some items, but when compared to last year, NAH! Some of the very simple items are of high prices as well, then I thought, “why don’t I get some items from Taobao instead?”)
我上兩個星期淘左d比較休閒既款式, 同大家分享下丫.
(English: Last couple weeks ago, I received my order from Taobao. Let me share each piece with you.)
(English: Here comes a simple top:)
價錢 (Price): RMB67
(English: You can show off your shoulder too, haha!!)
呢件我著過返工一次, 唔知仲咩有好多好評. 其實我覺得件衫好普通, 但係可能勝在佢係see-through同埋可以跌膊. 平實得黎又可以有少少sexy!! 哈哈.
(English: I wore this to work once and I was surprised by all the good comments. Actually I thought this top was extremely simple, but maybe because it allows you to show off your shoulder and it’s subtle yet sexy…haha!!!)
(English: Another simple black and white top:)
價錢 (Price): RMB82
呢件可以前後兩著. 如果你想有衫既效果, 咁條拉鍊可以係後面. 如果你想有少少外套效果, 條拉鍊就係前面. 我就比較鍾意條拉鍊係後面喇, 感覺無咁死版.
(English: For this one, you can wear the zip at the back if you want more of a top feel. Or, if you want more of a jacket type feel, then you can wear the zip in front! I love wearing the zip at the back as I feel it’s more fun to wear it that way!)
再黎都係線衫, 不過係介辣色:
(English: A mustard color top:)
價錢 (Price): RMB84
(English: The sides are a bit shorter!!)
呢件超舒服, 顏色又sharp! 我超愛. 用黎襯深色牛仔褲一流丫!
(English: Definitely in love with this. Super comfortable and sharp!!! It just goes so well with a dark blue jeans!!)
再黎係一件羊毛衫, 個tag好好笑, 寫出Zara (Made In Spain)呀:
(English: A jumper. I was surprised to see the tag saying “Zara (Made in Spain)”!!)
價錢 (Price): RMB59
呢件我係貪佢抵著, 凍起上黎就著佢係入面. 呵呵.
(English: I just love the price tag for this one and I could imagine myself pair it up with some leather jacket when it gets cold *smiles*.)
最後我買左一見褸仔. 薄既褸款我好鍾意買:
(English: The last one is a jacket. I love thinner jackets!!)
價錢 (Price): RMB106
呢d拎黎causal Friday著掂呀!! 唔洗特別襯, 佢自己都有d pattern, 所以入面著見淨色衫就行得人喇. 方便!!
(English: It goes perfectly well for a causal Friday. Don’t need to break a sweat to mix and match since it has its own pattern. Very convenient!!)
可能你見我淘d衫, 淘寶價黎講唔係特別平. 但係我係有原因既. 我之前都買過廿令三十蚊個d衫, 但係無論手功布料都好唔得, 買左根本就唔著得 (自己都唔想著啦). 經我同我同事研究過之後發現, 最得既price range係RMB60+ (當然太貴又唔會係淘寶買啦). 所以你見我揀d衫既價錢都偏向呢個price range多d. 哈哈, 事實証明我地既theory係無錯. 我買呢堆衫全部d手功好好!!! 掂掂掂!!
(English: “Shouldn’t clothes at Taobao be cheaper?” You must be wondering. I have my reason. I bought those items which costed RMB20-30 before but the quality was really bad, so bad that you wouldn’t wear them!! Then after some investigation with my colleague, we discovered the best price range with a very reasonable quality is RMB60+ (of course, you won’t buy too expensive stuff at Taobao as well). That’s why my picks are towards that price range! *Laughs* I am proud to say that the quality for this batch of clothing is VERY GOOD!! Recommended!!)
我全部都係同一間買ga, 如果你有興趣, 你都可以去望下啦 –> 淘寶連結
(English: I got my items all at the same store, if you are interested, feel free to take a look –> LINK)