呢個產品我真係敗左超級耐。我記得應該係我前期好迷戀Ipsa個陣,頻頻去跌錢敗返嚟ga。佢係一set同埋盒eye mask咁賣,但係我今次想先講左個eye cream先,如果你想睇個eye mask好唔好,咁又要等等我 (唔好追殺我)。
(English: I got this for a long long time! I recalled that it was the time when I was completely in love with Ipsa and I got this during one of the massive hauls at their counter. It sells as a set together with the eye masks), but I really want to concentrate on talking about the eye crema first. If you are interested in the eye masks, please wait for me again (hmmmm….yea…be patient *laughs*).)
Ipsa On The Peak Eye Esthetics e Eye Cream 緊緻亮膚明眸眼霜
價錢 (Price):HK$1470/ set (including eye mask)
點解我覺得好似貴左?我記得我買個陣係HK$1100連eye mask??唔知係我癲定係佢地真係貴左喇。
(English: How come it looks more expensive to me now? I remember it was like HK$1100 together with the eye masks?? Not sure if I have the right memory or the price actually goes up!)Product Information:
高純度Amino A5 亮膚膠原分子能提高膠原含量及保持彈性,
(English: It targets minimizing fine lines on the eye areas. It contains Vitamin A, which proves to be effective in increasing metabolism and reducing fine lines. Also, it works to retain elasticity and minimizing dark circles.)
(English: A yellowish cream, very creamy in texture.)
(English: You see?? It’s super blendable. You’ll see the oil left on the surface of skin.)
使用次數 (No. of Usage):2 months
用後感:呢個眼霜真係另我好迷惑。佢個質感唔錯,好好推,亦都非常creamy。搽好後,會見到一點點嘅油光,證明佢入面嘅成份非常滋潤。我記得我搽完之後過左幾個鐘頭,我都仲見到油光,滋潤效果持久。另我迷惑嘅原因係我眼位係乾,但係唔係乾得太緊要 (謝天謝地),我未需要用到咁滋潤嘅眼霜。感覺上我得物無所用,因為我嘅皮膚唔太吸收油份。我覺得如果你眼位乾到就快要枯萎嘅話,呢個eye cream會比較適合你。但係如果你同我一樣,情況係乾,但係未去到超級乾涸嘅話,呢個眼霜真係未必適合你呀!我覺得佢去乾紋嘅function比較好,但係如果話去黑眼圈,我就未見效果。
(English: After-use Comment: This eye cream is rather confusing for me. The texture is nice, very blendable and super creamy. After application, there is a bit of oil left on the surface of the skin, it proves that whatever is inside is very moisturizing. I remember that the oil is still on the surface of the skin even after a few hours, quite long-lasting effect. Well, it’s confusing for me in the sense that my eye areas are dry but not that dry (thank God!), I don’t really need something this moisturizing now. I feel that I got the wrong match of product as my skin doesn’t absorb oil. I think if you have super dry eye areas, then this might be for you. However, if you are like myself, and your eye areas are not seriously dry, then this might not be for you. Also, I feel that it works better in diminishing fine lines. If you have concern on your dark circles, I have to say I haven’t seen any improvement so far.)
後話:唔夾就真係無謂免強。我最後將呢個產品比Mr Honey用,因為佢眼位比我乾好多 (笑)。我而家發夢都想敗Guerlain蜂皇eye cream, 之前用過兩個sample試咗個質感,係cream狀,但係搽上去好吸收,啱啱好呀!! 一到Thankful Week我就碌去敗敗敗。好心急。
(English: Later Story: If it doens’t match me, I don’t want to push to it. Therefore, I broke up with the Ipsa eye cream and let Mr. Honey use it as he has a drier eye areas than me *smiles*. Now I dream about getting Guerlain Royale Eye Cream every single day. I tried 2 packs of samples before and I’m loving it! The texture is creamy but it’s just right!! I have to rush there during Thankful Week to haul this newly beloved!! Can’t wait!!)(the above product information is extracted from http://www.hk-ipsa.com/)