又到每個月一次嘅整指甲時間。 今次本身想整d聖誕feel d嘅甲款, 但係我睇左好耐都無咩心水。 紅色我之前整左,紫色我上次又整埋。不如今次整rock野算喇, 反正我成日都著皮褸, 整rock野仲襯添。
(English: Time to fix my gel nails again! At first I wanted to give more of a X’mas touch to my nails, however, I didn’t really have anything X’masy in mind! I did plain red before, and I did purple last time….(no idea!!). Well well well, after some thought, I decided to go for a bit “Rock n’ Roll” kinda thing, that would match my leather jacket *smiles*.)
哈哈, 隻隻都有少少唔同(除左兩隻豹紋一樣之外)。 唔知呢? 呢期我鍾意隻隻都有d唔同, 我覺得十隻手指一樣睇到我有d悶。 既然都去俾人整, 就整d比較特別d嘅。 哈哈, 我而家又諗定我下次整咩喇!!
(English: *laughs* Almost each one of them is different (apart from the leopard ones). These days, I love to have each one different, I guess I just get bored with 10 nails looking the same! Someone do my nails anyway, so why not go complicated and different? Well, I have to get my ideas for my next nail fixing trip!)