細細枝方便保濕噴霧 – Kiehl’s Cactus Flower & Tibetan Ginseng Hydrating Mist

我對保濕噴霧情有獨中。 講真我唔覺得A同B同C同D有好好好大分別,最多係有保濕感同埋噴咗同冇噴無咩分別之外,其實我真係覺得呢d保濕噴霧功效唔係好大。 但係我鍾意佢地個原因係佢地夠方便,係屋企覺得乾又可以噴下,搭飛機我更加係要有一枝係手,坐坐下覺得乾或者想醒神少少又可以噴下。 今日講呢枝我特別覺得適合travel用。我通常噴完都會用手拍到佢地吸收為止,所以我又唔覺得有咩越噴越乾既問題。

(English:  Hydrating mist has a special place in my heart.  Honestly I don’t think there is such a big difference between A, B, C and D.  The most I can tell is that one can hydrate my skin and the other completely cannot.  Indeed, I wouldn’t expect too much from these hydrating mist.  One thing they scream at me is that they are very convenient to use.  I usually use these when I am at home feeling my skin is a bit dry or during flights.  I cannot live without these during flights now, I find them great for replenishing moisture into skin or just refreshing my very bored mind.  Today I am going to talk about this one which I find great for travelling.  One note, after spraying, I usually pat until it’s totally absorbed.  I don’t have the issue of “the more you spray, the dryer the skin goes.)


Kiehl’s Cactus Flower & Tibetan Ginseng Hydrating Mist HK$140/ 75ml

kiel's cactus flower and tibetan ginseng hydrating mistPin this image on Pinterest

之前去Bali我有帶佢上機,佢75ml可以hand carry,個size啱啱好,唔會太大枝又唔會太過細枝! 我慳住用呀,因為諗住年尾佢英國佢都會跟住我上機。 佢個噴咀都唔錯,噴出黎係霧唔係一滴滴水珠,所以唔會成面濕到漏水! 拍幾下好快吸收! 吸咗真係覺得皮膚有翻水份同少少滋潤感,皮膚唔會覺得拉拉緊,摸落皮膚又唔會覺得笠。 正,佢仲有少少涼涼地感覺幾舒服,同埋佢陣味又好fresh,所以噴個下都幾醒身! 佢保濕度都持久,我係飛機噴一次都last到一兩個鐘,所以感覺真係唔錯!我覺得佢比較啱乾皮膚用,因為佢保濕之餘係有滋潤感,所以會出油既朋友可能會覺得潤潤地未必like。

(English:  I brought this with me when I went to Bali.  It’s 75ml so it’s perfect to hand carry because the size is just right.  It’s not too big and definitely not too small.  I am actually saving this because I want to bring this with me when I go to UK by end of the year.  I quite like the spray, it comes out more like a mist than water droplets!  I usually pat them until it’s totally absorbed and it doesn’t take long at all.  Then skin feels hydrated and moisturised.  When I touch my skin, it’s not sticky.  Nice.  It also has a slight cooling effect which is quite soothing, plus its scent is truly refreshing.  Its hydrating function lasts quite well.  When I spray myself on the flight, my skin feels hydrated for 1-2 hours, so I am quite impressed with this.  I think this is more of a dry skin product because it doesn’t only hydrate, it offers that moisturised feel, so for those with oily skin types, it might feel a wee bit heavy for you.)

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