之前敗咗Nars兩個雙色眼影! 一如以往, 敗完之後自己都唔記得咗! 好彩我上星期玩秋季Fashion Show, 玩玩下見到自己既眼影! 突然間我明白點解我會揀個兩個顏色! 真係太秋季喇! 拿拿聲拎出嚟玩色同化咗個妝!! 今次唔係tutorial, 而係記錄一下個妝容, 你地想睇我先再整Tutorial喇(拍片明d)! 好先嚟睇下兩個大靚色先!
(English: I hauled Nars 2-colored eyeshadows a little while back! As usual, I completely forgot about them! Luckily, I was doing a Autumn fashion shot and they suddenly caught my gaze. It came to me that why I did pick those colors because they are the best representation of Autumn!! Next thing I know – I play with them and create a look! This is not a tutorial, this is more of a record of the look! If you want a tutorial, I will do it separately (video is better for makeup tutorial). Well, let’s look at the two brilliant colors!)
Nars 2-Colored Eyeshadows
Colors: Mediteranee & Misfit
除咗個綠同橙色, 我仲加埋另一個綠色, 就係係我盒Wet n’ Wild Comfort Zone入面既呢隻綠喇!
(English: Apart from this green, I add another tone of green into the look and it’s from Wet n’ Wild Comfort Zone!)
成果/ Result:
我仲加咗金色係眼頭! 真係超掂呀!! 我超級滿意,有顏色得嚟唔誇張, 仲好有秋天既氣氛添!! 成日都黑媽媽, 真係要改改!! 好有驚喜呀!! 你覺得呢? 好, 睇埋成個look丫~
(English: I add some gold on the corners of my eyes as well! Brilliant and I am super happy with this look! Colorful but not over the top and it reminds me of Autumn! It’s time to change to other colors as I got bored with black and brown all the time! What do you think? Time to take a look at the whole look:)
唔帶眼鏡好睇, 帶眼鏡都好睇!!!
(English: Glasses/ No glasses – it works too!)
Nars眼影用後感: 其實都唔洗多講, 因為佢d粉質超細, 唔太飛粉, 超上色! 掂!! 唯一唔好係我真係唔鍾意個盒!! 用耐咗會膠膠地, 開始痴lup lup! 其實我見有好多人都唔鍾意佢地個盒, 如果改善下真係會好好多! 🙂
(English: Product Review on Nars Eyeshadows: I don’t have to say much because its powder is fine, it doesn’t have a lot of fallout and it’s super pigmented!! Great!!! The only thing I can complain about is that I don’t like the container. It will turn sticky and nasty after sometime! Actually I saw many people not liking the containers as well, if it’s improved, it would be great!! :))
你地都知我真係超鍾意整相,係整相唔係執相! 我既意思係我鍾意用app整得d相靚靚地, 但係唔係執靚皮膚自己個樣個隻, 所以我覺得我要講清楚, 唔係一陣有人誤會我就唔好啦! 我d相多數都係整大小同埋加下frames, website等等, 我唔會執個樣/皮膚! 放心!
(English: You all know that I have a thing on decorating photos, it’s decorating, not really editing!! What I mean is that I love using app to decorate photos and make them more fun to look at. It’s not about editing the texture of skin or things like that. I feel that I have to stress this, as I don’t want to create misunderstandings!)
解說完一論, 話說我又開始係咁download整相app! 之前係Facebook講過,呢期我迷上Snapeee! 哈哈! 日本app真係靚好多(有英文)。 如果你都係Snapeee, 你可以揾我呀(iamhakme)。
(English: Well well well, I start to look at different apps again for photo decorating! I mentioned before on Facebook that I have been falling in love with Snapeee these days!! Japanese apps look really presentable (there is English available). If you are using Snapeee too, you are welcome to connect with me (iamhakme).)
另外,我發現下面呢個app(Papelook)都好好玩! 可以剪相, 將幾張整做靚靚既一張, 好有scrapbook感覺!! 如果你都鍾意整相, 都download丫, 免費呀!! 下面就係我中秋無聊用Papelook整既作品!! 哈哈!!
(English: Apart from Snapeee, I found the following app (Papelook) really interesting too! You can cut a few photos and make them into one! It gives me more of a scrapbooking feeling! If you enjoy photo decorating, download it (free)!!! The following photo was created by Papelook during my Mid-Autumn Festival holiday!! *Laughs*)