[保養] 令皮膚超彈手既保濕面膜

春夏天大家都掛住美白,但係會唔會唔記得保濕? 千萬唔可以忽略保濕,其實一年四季保濕係最重要,因為夠水面部又唔會有咁多油啦,毛孔又會望落細d啦。 如果搞到覺得皮膚好乾先黎保濕就太遲喇!!所以大家記住保濕係一年四季既主菜,其他美白抗老都頭盤啊甜點咁!! 今日我就想分享一下呢隻保濕mask。 話時話,你地鍾意用gel/ cream mask定係用paper mask? 我自己就鍾意用gel/ cream多d,因為我覺得方便d(敷住可以走黎走去),同埋我可以控制個份量同埋可以睥皮膚吸耐d! 今日講既都係cream mask!!

(English: Everyone is so focused on whitening their skin (particularly in Asia) for Spring and Summer, have you actually forgotten to hydrate your skin? Hydrating your skin cannot be neglected and I see it as the most important step regardless of the seasons. When skin is hydrated properly, these will be less oil secretion, and the pores would look less visible. If you hydrate only when your skin feels dry, then it’s too late and it would take a lot of work to get the good skin back. So remember hydration is the key and it’s the main course, whitening and anti-aging should be the appetizers and sweets. Today I am going to talk about a hydrating mask. Right, before I got into that, are you a gel/cream mask lover or a paper mask lover? I personally love using gel/ cream mask because I find it more convenient (I can run around and stuff), plus I can control the amount to be applied and I can let my skin absorb for a longer period of time. So today’s feature is a cream mask!!)

Methode Jeanne Piaubert L’Hydro-Active 24 Heures Intensive Moisture Mask

價錢(Price): HK$520/ 75ml

Product Information:

“蘊含補濕和修護成分,海藻水活因數具滲透壓保護功能,為肌膚提供無間斷強效補濕。 Lasilium ® 補濕並促進細胞再生。3D水潤因數具三重水合作用,深層為細胞補充水份。酵母萃取提升細胞的含水量和補濕效能。透明質酸鈉強效補水和鎖緊水分。維他命E保護皮膚對抗衰老。獨有成分深海膠原蛋白有效防止水份流失,淡化深層皺紋,讓肌膚變得清新舒適及柔軟嫩滑,重拾水潤亮澤。”

(English: “Hydration is essential for beautiful skin. L’HYDRO-ACTIVE 24HEURES Intensive moisture mask procures optimum hydration for your face thanks to a core formula that maintains the volume and amount of water deep in the cells. Use: 2 to 3 times a week, apply a thick layer over the thoroughly cleansed face* and throat; leave for 10 minutes then remove any excess with a cotton pad and rinse, if necessary. *Avoid any contact with the eyes.”)


Before Blending


使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:望落藍綠色,感覺好清新丫! 唧出黎個質感係好實在亦都有少少杰身, 但係就幾易推。 我通常係薄薄地搽一層,之後再薄薄地搽多一層,如果有某d位係再乾d需要特別照顧,我會再搽多少少係個d位置。之後我就會去上下網睇下野,等半個鐘頭我先去過水(等皮膚吸到吸夠喇)!! 過完水個下真係叮一聲。 你有冇試過用完d產品,見到好有效果個下係塊鏡面前笑丫(好似好恐怖),如果你都試過,你明我講咩喇,我就每次過完水都係塊鏡面前滿意到微笑(無無無,我精神無問題,只係高興jer)。過完水,皮膚即時見到好大分別! 先係皮膚感覺好夠水,亦都好似被拉緊咁好有彈性! 我係咁篤塊面,真係好彈手丫!!! 仲有,佢令皮膚好有光澤,又白白淨!!好掂呀!!! 最正係佢個效果last成3/4日呀!!!用完皮膚係爽身,感覺好light!! 我覺得佢啱好多膚質用,加上呢個天氣又濕濕地,想保濕但係唔要滋潤感,呢隻mask超正!!!如果你想係春夏天換隻保濕mask,我好推呢隻。 效果好得黎又唔會過潤!! 嘻嘻!!

(English: Product Review: It looks bluish green and it’s kinda
soothing to the eyes and mind. Texture-wise, it looks solid and feels
solid, however, it’s quite easy to blend. The way I use this is that I
apply a thin layer first on my whole face, then another thin layer on
top again. And for those specially dry areas, I would top up a bit
more. Then I would head off to browsing online or youtubing, after
around 30 mins (yea let skin absorb till it’s fully saturated), I go and
rinse it off. After rinsing, one of those moments has come. Have you
ever experienced using some products and the results were so good that
you started to admire yourself in the mirror and give a smile (sounds
horrible eh?). If you have experienced one of those moments before,
you’ll know what I am talking about. Every time after I rinse this off,
I would stand in front of the mirror and admire the results, and then I
would give a satisfactory smile (nah, I am not mental, I am just
happy). Skin looks so much different!! Skin is definitely fully
hydrated, to the point that it’s firmed up and become very “bouncy”.
Plus, it brings radiance to skin and it looks bright and healthy!!
Amazing!! And the best part is that the effect lasts for around 3-4
days, so it’s just not instant, it’s long-lasting as well. The whole
experience is light but not heavy, so I feel that it’s suitable for
quite a lot of skin types. It’s perfect for this kind of weather,
whereby humidity is so high that we cannot stand anything that’s too
rich! If you are looking for a new hydrating mask (minus all
greasiness) for Spring/ Summer use, I surely recommend this one to


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(the above product information is extracted from http://en.jeannepiaubert.com)

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