呢個產品我都斷斷續續用左好幾多月。 夏天成日講美白防曬,但係我覺得好多人都會忽略咗保濕,所以一轉季進入秋天既時候皮膚就會突然好乾,搞極都搞唔好! 我覺得夏天美白重要,但係同樣唔好唔記得要保濕。 我呢個夏天用美白產品之餘仲有斷斷續續地係某d日子加強保濕! 今日想同大家分享一下以下呢個面霜:
(English: I have been using the following item on and off for a few months. We talk about whtiening a lot in the summer time but I feel that many people have neglected hydration, therefore, we end up with many skin problems when we enter into Autumn. I think whitening is important in the summer time but hydrating is just as important. So I kinda alternate between whitening and hydrating products this Summer. Today I want to share my thoughts on the following night cream with you:)
Methode Jeanne Piaubert 24小時活性清爽補濕面霜
L’Hydro-Active 24 Heures 24-Hour Active Moisturizing
Silky Face Cream
Combination to Oily Skin
價錢(Price):HK$620/ 50ml
Product Information:
“Moisturising and protecting your face are daily actions essential for having beautiful skin. The L’HYDRO-ACTIVE 24 HEURES comfort cream provides efficient non-stop 24-hour moisturising thanks to AQUALANCE® which maintains the volume and quantity of water in the cells. The nutritive power of Shea Butter provides normal to dry skin with second-to-none comfort and suppleness.”
Before Blending
使用次數(No. of Usage):around 70 times
用後感:我夏天既皮膚比較係混合性,所以呢個cream我都揀左係混合性至油性皮膚,等我搽上面唔會覺得over左! 佢個質感係比較稀身既cream狀,好易推得開,同埋推開既時候好水! 佢亦都有少少香味,聞落都覺得幾清香!! 我覺得佢都係算容易吸收。 佢唔會一搽完就吸收哂,要等5-6分鐘先會完完全全吸收。 等緊既其間係會有少少黏黏地,但係過咗一陣就唔會有呢個感覺喇。 我覺得佢真係好保濕,因為我之前成日係冷氣房俾d冷氣吸到好乾,forehead出咗幾粒好細既粒粒,我一見到就知道係我皮膚過乾,所以我就即刻拎呢個產品出黎當晚霜,搽左兩晚,粒粒都無埋。 所以我證實到佢既保濕力好夠!! 正!!! 而家我一覺得有少少乾,我夜晚就會用佢!! 哈哈!! 我鍾意佢保濕得黎唔會過份heavy!! 好啱呢d天氣用!! 大家記得唔好唔記得保濕呀!! 好緊要架!!!
(English: Product Review: My skin is more of the combination type in the summer time, so I choose combination to oily for this cream (don’t want it to be too rich)! The texture is of a very light weight cream form, it’s very easy to blend and it feels quite watery when blending. It has a bit of an refreshing scent and I quite like this, I find it comforting! I think I can call it “easy to absorb” but not too easy to absorb at the same time, because after application on face, it take around 5-6 minutes before it gets absorbed completely. It feels a bit sticky at first but after a little while, I don’t have that feel anymore. I find it to be truly hydrating because my skin has been quite dry due to sitting in air-con rooms all day. There were tiny bumps on my forehead and I knew immediately that it was a sign of my dehydration. So I used this for a couple nights, guess what? The bumps were all gone. That proves how effective this cream is!!! Brilliant!! Now whenever I feel that my skin is a bit dry, I would use this at night *laughs*. It’s hydrating but not heavy!! It suits this weather a lot too!!! Hey, remember to constantly hydrate your skin, it’s super important!!!)
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