[化妝] 韓國MULE 15色眼影lipgloss盤

之前我係video用過呢個韓國palette,跟住好多人問我d顏色係點各樣各樣! 今日出個試色圖同埋好快既review同大家分享一下!

(English:  I have used this particular palette in one of my makeup look videos, then many people asked me about the colors and such!  That’s why I am releasing this blog post with swatches and quick review so as to answer some of your question!)

MULE 15 Color Eyeshadow/ Lipgloss Palette


價錢(Price):HK$580 (@Molly)

個包裝又係靚到無得頂! 我超鍾意佢係packaging上面既drawing! 放係度都覺得好靚!

(English:  The packaging is really amazing!  I really love the drawings on the packaging!  It adds a glimpse of beauty in my collection!)

Swatch/ 試色圖

最上面個兩行係眼影,下面個行係lipgloss(亦都可以當cream cheek使用)!

(English:  The upper 2 rows are eyeshadows and the bottom row is lipgloss (can be used as cream cheek as well)!!)

簡單用後感: 佢既眼影質感好好,幼細得黎又上色! 同埋佢個texture好creamy,所以blend既時候係好易blend得好靚!  好多人同我講話佢d顏色太鮮艷,但係我覺得如果你就咁用一隻眼影搽哂成個eyelid,當然係好鮮艷啦!所以佢配左一d earth tone/深色去俾你配搭! 我自己就無咩比較鮮色既eyeshadow,所以呢個palette啱哂我不時之需! 同埋如果將鮮色既eyeshadow mix with深色既eyeshadow,咁就有變化得黎又唔會覺得過份搶顏! 有時間我再用呢個palette化下妝俾大家睇丫! 另外,到佢個lipgloss,如果你喜歡韓妝,基本上你要既顏色都有齊,同埋你見佢係lipgloss得黎都好出色,我覺得個pigmentation似lipstick多d! 同埋用上咀唔覺得乾! 好正! So far,我都好鍾意呢個palette,一盒過可以create好多個唔同既look! 正!!

(English:  Quick Product Review:  The eyeshadow texture is truly amazing, they are of very fine texture.  They feel smooth and are pigmented!  Due to their creamy texture, it’s effortless when it comes to blending!  Many people said that the colors are just too vibrant, I feel different.  If you are using just one color on your eyelid, of course that’s going to look like some Chinese Opera makeup look!  Therefore, it also comes with some earth tone/ deeper colors so that you could pair different colors up!  I don’t own too many bright color eyeshadows, so this suits my needs really well (yea when I want to do some more colorful looks!)  If you mix some brights with darks, you can get a different look without looking like a clown!  When I have some more time, I will use this to create a few looks for you ladies!  Moving onto the lipglosses, if you like Korean makeup style, they are basically everything you need.  They are definitely way more pigmented than the normal lipglosses, and I feel that their consistency is more like a lipstick!  They are not drying the lips as well (the best part!)!!  Brilliant!!  So far, I am really happy with this palette and it definitely offers me a great variety when I come to create different looks!!  Love it!!)

Makeup Artist店舖地址:尖沙咀利時商場10樓08室 (Monday – Saturday 1pm to 7pm)。 大家記得個日要落去就打個電話俾佢先,佢成日出job,我怕你地白行。 仲有,你地落去買野記得同佢講話係黑咪介紹,佢會俾95折俾你。 佢電話:6169-3166 Molly


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