[保養] 890蚊一枝防曬

最記得呢枝防曬既一個地方唔係佢有幾好用質地幾咁正,而係佢個嚇死人既價錢。 成千蚊一枝防曬,我諗佢係我人生裡面最貴個枝防曬喇! 講下少少故仔先,其實我之前都接觸過Chantecaille呢個品牌,都知佢出咗名貴婦! 當年我係試佢隻Future Skin粉底,因為上網睇個個都講到好鬼正,咁自己又自焚埋一份啦。 但係個Future Skin係我失望之作,因為我用完佢我隔兩個鐘就溶妝同埋出油出到Mama話我可以拎我塊面去煎蛋(有d似我用完Shu Uemura Lightbulb粉底個情況 – link)! 之後我就無咩點再留意佢既東東。 但係今年我話過我想多元化,唔想講黎講去都係我愛個幾個牌子,所以做咗一大輪research,入手咗呢枝:

(English: The one thing that got stuck in my mind regarding this sunscreen is not how great it is nor how impressive the texture it is, it’s its breath-taking price tag.  Almost HK$1,000 for a bloody sunscreen?  Well – this is the most I have paid for a sunscreen so far in my life.  And there is a side story to tell: I’ve known about Chantecaille for a good while and I know its price is somewhat hindering.  Years ago, I tried its Future Skin Foundation because there were raves reviews online and everyone had something good to say about this foundation, so I tempted myself.  However, Future Skin Foundation has been one of the most disappointing foundations for me ever, because after 2 hours of application, my makeup started to melt and my skin had so much oil that my Mom said she could dry an egg with it (kinda similar to my comments on Shu Uemura Lightbulb – link).  After that, I lost interest in the brand.  Well, earlier this year, I did say I wanted to add in more varieties to the things I do instead of just focusing on the few brands that I love, so after a ton of research, I got this:)

Chantecaille Ultra Sun Protection SPF50 PA+++
Chantecaille 防曬抗老修護乳液 SPF 50 PA +++

價錢(Price):HK$890/ 40ml

Product Information:

“- 備有高效防曬系數SPF50 PA ,在肌膚表面形成防衛盾,提升肌膚天然抗禦UVA及UVB的能力,配方蘊含三種非滲透性、高穩定性、高效防曬成份Avobenzone、Octisalate及 Octinoxate
– 蘊含櫻花(Cherry Blossom)、香蜂草 (Lemon Balm) 及白茶精華 (White Tea Extracts),發揮顯著的抗炎功效,從內 (ROS) 至外 (UVA)保護 DNA 被氧化,預防肌膚衰老
– 加入抗醣化成分肌肽(Carnosine) ,能有效抗禦肌膚細胞內部產生醣化 (Glycation)
– 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯”

(English: “- This truly invisible shield increases skin’s natural ability to protect itself from UVA and UVB rays by 50-fold
– Cherry blossom, lemon balm, and white tea extracts deliver powerful anti-inflammatory properties, protecting DNA from internal (ROS) and external (UVA) oxidation
– Carnosine, an effective and well-known anti-glycation ingredient, ensure that skin is protected from the internal threat of sugar glycation (AGE)”)


Before Blending



使用次數:21 times

用後感:用前一定要搖勻先,如果唔係唧出黎會係透明唔係白色。 佢個質地雖然好似好水亦都好易推,但係推緊個陣係覺得好潤架,潤到個感覺有少少似推緊油咁。 搽完當下係覺得皮膚好癡同好笠,要等大概一分鐘吸咗先會無呢個感覺同埋皮膚變得好滑。 BA都係建議一定要皮膚吸咗表面變得滑先上你個粉底既,如果唔係就會好好好笠喇!! 質感講完,分析一下個產品先,如果功效黎講,佢有兩個:1. 防曬50度,唔化妝既可以就咁用;2. 可以做埋化妝底霜,搽完佢吸咗之後就可以上粉底。 佢無調色既功效,因為用左上面佢係透明既,亦都唔會令你皮膚明亮咗。我自己用完個感覺係佢好潤(就算吸咗我都覺得潤),吸咗之後塊面係滑左(但係無我搽一d收毛孔base咁線手),上粉都貼既。 就算唔化妝都唔會覺得好笠。 So far感覺良好,但係除此之外我覺得有咩好特別,有咩特別到可以justify HK$890。 我唔係話佢雷,但係我客觀咁睇我搵唔到佢值HK$890既理由。 如果你係佢品牌fans,當然價錢唔係考慮之內啦;但係如果我係review野既身份,要好客觀同大家講佢有咩值HK$890,我搵唔到佢值既地方。 市面上有好多防曬或者base無論吸收力功效各方面可能做得仲多仲好,但係就唔洗咁既價錢,所以就係因為呢一點,我唔會特別推俾大家。 佢唔雷既,如果有budget又好想試係可以(唔好expect有好大驚喜啦),但係如果你只不過想揾枝防曬或者base,我唔會第一枝推呢枝俾你叫你跑去買。

(English:  Product Review:  Remember to shake well before use, otherwise you will only get the transparent bit.  Its texture seems to be runny and very easy to blend, however, when I am massaging it into my skin, the feeling is kinda like massaging oil into my skin.  The moment just right after application, skin is super sticky and feels heavy, then after around 1 min, those feelings are gone and skin becomes smooth to touch.  BA does suggest to apply your foundation only when it’s totally absorbed into your skin, otherwise, your skin will feel more greasy.  Done with the texture, let’s really analyze this product.  Function-wise, it has two: 1. SPF50 and you can use it alone; 2. it can be used as a makeup base, you can apply foundation directly right after its absorption.  It doesn’t have any tint so it won’t brighten your skin in anyway.  My comments on this particular product are that it feels moisturized on skin (even after it’s absorbed), skin becomes smooth (not as smooth as the result from the pore covering primers), makeup sticks on quite well and even if I don’t use makeup, skin doesn’t feel greasy.  So far so good, but apart from all these, I can’t seem to find anything to justify its HK$890 price tag.  I am not saying it’s a disappointing product, it’s just from an objective point of view, I don’t have anything to justify the price.  If you are a fan of the brand, of course price is not your concern; but my role is to review this, so I have to be objective to tell you what makes it so special to the point that it’s worth the price tag.  Nah – I can’t find any.  There are many sunscreens/ primers in the market which offers better absorption quality and more functions but they don’t cost as much and based on this particular point, I won’t highly recommend it to you all.  Again, it doesn’t mean it is a disappointing item, if you have budget and you have been wanting to try this, then why not (just bear in mind that it is not that magical).  But if you are just looking for a sunscreen/ base type of product, then this won’t be the first one I would recommend you to hurry and buy.)

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